...and a Happy New Year!


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Blue.gif, also known as Mystery Room, is a screamer GIF created by an unknown person. The oldest known copy was hosted on a site called "geekhideout.com" under the name "Freaky". It was also called Ghost Photography on Winterrowd.com and Find the Ghost on Scary For Kids. The concept of the screamer is very similar to What's Wrong.

The screamer asks the player to find an error in an image of a messy room. After 30 seconds, a Kuntilanak appears at the door, accelerates toward the viewer, and disappears very quickly (although she can be seen very clearly). The animation is then repeated.

The GIF was first spread across Indonesia on a WordPress called "indocropcircles.wordpress.com". The screamer on this WordPress can be found in some posts about ghosts.


  • This screamer was in a flash animation called "We Drink Ritalin".
  • The Kuntilanak image used for the screamer originates from a 1993 Korean horror book called "특급공포체험 쉿!", which translates to "Special Horror Experience Shhh!".


NOTE: The following gif contains a screamer!

  • Earliest Known Upload: web.archive.org/web/20020208123959/geekhideout.com:80/freaky.shtml
  • tekzoned.com/room
  • tekzoned.com/room/room.gif
  • web.archive.org/web/20100725053451/winterrowd.com/ghost-photography
  • scaryforkids.com/find-the-ghost/
  • YouTube Mirror: youtube.com/watch?v=EYjkrEQSl2o
  • archive.org/details/can-you-find-whats-wrong-here



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