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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

Jarsquatter, also known as 1 Guy 1 Jar, 1 Man 1 Jar or 1 Guy 1 Cup is a shock video made by a Russian man named Alexey Tatarov. The video was posted onto eFukt on December 4, 2008. The video is so jarring that it had received millions of views on video-sharing sites. The video also appears on the 18th level on Runthegauntlet.org.

The video begins with a naked man standing above a jar on the ground. The man sits on the jar while it slowly makes its way through his anus. Once it is fully submerged, the jar explodes, after which blood pours from his anus. Without flinching or making a noise, he picks pieces of broken glass from his rectum, while a pool of blood gathers on the floor. After removing all of the glass pieces, the man stands up and walks away.


The day after the video was posted on eFukt, the Golf MKV Forums member danger dan posted a link to the video, describing it as the “most disgusting thing” on the internet.[1] On December 22, a reaction video was uploaded by YouTuber mdrproductionz, which accumulated upwards of 135,000 views and 1,100 comments in the following five years.

On August 20, 2009, a 1Man1Jar site was launched with an auto-playing embed of the original video. On October 8, 2012, Redditor gravity submitted a post to the /r/vertical subreddit, featuring a vertical four-pane comic using screen captures from the show Lost with captions describing the Jarsquatter video in horror, which received over 600 upvotes.

On February 23, 2013, Redditor suthrnpride44 submitted a post to the /r/FiftyFifty subreddit, with its title claiming to be either a screen capture of the Jarsquatter aftermath or a photograph of a duckling. The post, which linked to an image of a swimming duck, gained more than 460 upvotes and 10 comments in the next month.[2]

On February 9, 2009, the shock site Ow! My Ass! published an interview with Alex, which revealed that he was Russian, was married twice, had two kids, and worked as a sales manager.[3]


  1. golfmkv.com/forums/index.php?threads/most-disgusting-thing-i-have-ever-seen-on-the-internet-ever-not-at-all-work-safe.66128/
  2. reddit.com/r/FiftyFifty/comments/193er5/5050_1_guy_1_jar_aftermath_nsfw_a_happy_duckling/
  3. edramatica.com/1guy1jar_Interview



NOTE: The following shock sites contain extremely graphic content!

  • Original: efukt.com/2339_1_Guy_1_Cup.html
  • 1guy1jar.net
  • web.archive.org/web/20140802091126/http://www.1man1jar.org/
  • web.archive.org/web/20090303191116/owmyass.com/1_guy_1_cup.html
  • Heyya.org mirror: web.archive.org/web/20160429082535/jarsquatter.com
  • Shockchan mirror: web.archive.org/web/20210801001114/https://shockchan.com/1-man-1-jar-video/
  • RunTheGauntlet Mirror: runthegauntlet.org/view/One-Man,-One-Jar
  • ShockTube Mirror:objectshowfan2763.wixsite.com/shocktube/forum/_gore/1-man-1-jar-aka-the-infamous-jarsquatter
  • web.archive.org/web/20090413052152/1man1jar.com/
  • canalmanaus.com.br/homem-se-masturba-com-copo-de-vidro-dentro-do-cu-e-morre-sangrando-veja-video/
  • portaldozacarias.com.br/site/noticia/so-vendo-para-crer--imagens-fortes--homem-enfia-copo-de-vidro-no-proprio-anus--e-o-pior-acontece--veja-video/




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