Walk the Dinosaur
From Screamer Wiki

Walk the Dinosaur was a shock site created and hosted by LOLShock, available from April of 2008 until the first half of 2022. This one, alongside the complete series created by LOLShock during its existence, has been parked ending with almost 14 years of service.
walkthedinosaur.com history according to Wayback Machine
The website, according to its first entry made by the organisation Alexa Crawls, was registered during the fourth month of 2008 and at least existed since Monday, 21 April; since that date, the Internet Archive techologies have registered 192 times the domain, being the last entry made on Friday, 21 January, 2022, but the website was parked or removed a while after this last register.
2008 history
On April 21, 2008, the website consisted on two centered text boxes backed up by a bottom with repetitive patterns of a Brachiosaurus-like silhouette accompained by two dark-coloured hearts (each one on both sides of the creature), two pink-coloured lightning bolts and the onomatopoeia "rawr" (also pink-coloured). Respect to the contents displayed on the text boxes, from the upper one to the downer one: We found the words Walk the Dinosaur that heads the main Macromedia Flash archive featured simply as dino.swf, a low resolution animation of two dinosaurs having sex in the 69 position, while the song Walk The Dinosaur by Was (Not Was) plays in the background. The text walkthedinosaur.com is displayed on the lower left side of the animation; in the second box, we found a list of another 5 shock sites created by the developer of LOLShock back then, headed by the caption "Other High Quality Sites".
2008-2009 history
Between these years, 20 snapshots were taken (omitting the first one), having some of them a little change on the characterisation of outer links. From Wednesday, June 4, 2008 to Friday, September 25, 2009, the website displayed the same contents described on the first part, with the distinctive feature of the insertion of the first annoucement ("SITE NEWS: My buddy from college is a pervert and just started the YouTube of porn!" quoting directly part of the text disposed, site later identified as teentube4free.com) and the self-annoucement of outher contents created back then ("OR - YOU WANT MORE SHOCK?!? - LOLSHOCK Shock Sites! - The total list of shock sites!" quoting directly the content) on the downer text box. The caption "Other High Quality Sites" as well as the list of initial shock sites was suppressed, and the border of the text box has been duplicated.
2009-2010 history
Between the dates Wednesday, November 25, 2009 and Thursday, May 27, 2010, 17 snapshots with the same integrity of contents were taken by Alexa Crawlers.
As well as the previous content revisions done during part of 2008 and 2009, walkthedinosaur.com didn't presented notable changes at all, but in this time interval, another advertising space was added in the outer part of the webpage, not into one or both text boxes, publicising the currently-active dating website Fling.com
NOTE: The following shock site contains pornography!
- web.archive.org/web/20220121181314/walkthedinosaur.com
- Shockchan mirror: web.archive.org/web/20220131160512/shockchan.com/walk-the-dinosaur/
- youtube.com/watch?v=sonqazDTepk