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Closed Website
This article is about a website that no longer exists. Links to its archive on the Wayback Machine or a saved copy are provided.

Scroll down is a shock web page located on Encyclopedia Dramatica, like Offended.

The article starts with an image of a horse and a dog, a snake, a dog, a baby duck, and finally, a rabbit. However, after some photos, it starts showing a very long montage of gruesome images involving pornography, dead people, gore, mutilation, diseases, unborn babies, cannibalism, and trypophobia.

Images Featured:

  • The Pain Series.
  • Images from Reporting Un-Islamic Content.
  • The LOLTrain Image.
  • The Blue Waffle image.
  • The Prolapse Man image.
  • The hai2u image.
  • An image of a cat getting crushed with heels.
  • A headless man.
  • An image of a flesh-eating man's face.
  • A wolf spider.
  • An image of Kim Possible performing autofellatio.
  • A man's penis getting split.
  • A clogged toilet poop.
  • An image of a cat getting blended.
  • A bloodied vagina.
  • A patriot using his anus as a way to hold the flag.
  • A man's penis with warts on it.
  • An image of skinned frogs.
  • A meatloaf.
  • An image of a disgusting, morbidly obese woman in the nude.
  • Creepypastas.
  • The Smile Dog Image.
  • A picture of a girl with a bloodied arm.
  • An GIF of Toht melting his face from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  • An image of a girl stretching her anus, similar to Goatse.
  • Various Harlequin fetuses.
  • A broken tooth.
  • Various gay pornographic pictures.
  • An image of vomit in the toilet.
  • Images from
  • Images from
  • Images from Rate My Poo.
  • A morbidly obese woman showing her vagina.

After scrolling down, it shows a depressed girl, an image of Luan Loud crying from The Loud House, a forever-alone meme, and an American politician Bill Clinton. however, it showed "WTF DID I JUST SEE??" in rainbow text colors.

At the bottom of the page, there's a message saying "That wasn't so bad, wasn't it? XD For therapy after seeing all this, click here!" will redirect to The Pain Series.


Before Shocking Content

You've survived the Offended Page! Good for you, but if you want to go for something else, please refer to the images below by scrolling down SLOWLY and enjoy your journey!



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