Coyote Attack Video

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Coyote Attack Video is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube on September 16, 2007 by

The video begins with a text message, stating "COYOTE ATTACK!", before proceeding to the clip. It's a low-quality recording of someone in a forest, walking through a dirt path amidst the trees. This person seems to be lost judging by their behavior: at first, they are standing completely still, looking to their right and left, then they take a couple of steps forward before completely stopping and freezing in place again. After this, they finally turn around to start walking the opposite way.

But suddenly, a picture of a coyote with its mouth wide open showing its teeth appears with the same scream from the K-fee commercials, before cutting to a text stating ""

The original version of this screamer is slightly different. In it, the text "Coyote?" appears at the beginning instead, and the K-fee zombie acts as the screamer. The outro shows a different link to "", and has the footage fade out after a couple of seconds. In the second version, one can actually see the zombie for a single frame before the coyote appears, before cutting to the same outro.

Showcase video



NOTE: The following videos contain screamers!

  • Original version:
  • HD version, Courtesy of Lawiki:
  • Permalink:



58 months ago
Score 0
This didn't really scare me as much, I was expecting some kind of mask or something.
Anonymous #1
52 months ago
Score 0
It was featured on "Top 5 Jump scares/Pop-Ups" by Cokewaffles,
Anonymous #2
52 months ago
Score 0
Don't run whatever you do to escape the coyote......
Anonymous #3
52 months ago
Score 0
what was the original video of man walking in forest?
Anonymous #4
51 months ago
Score 1
Wile e coyote gets revenge for humans laughing at his pain.
Anonymous #5
50 months ago
Score 0
omg yes XD
Anonymous #6
37 months ago
Score 0 You
He doesn’t exist just a cartoon
22 months ago
Score 0
21 months ago
Score 0
I was gonna do a joke about how the roadrunner was the one who was walking through the forest and holding the camera and Wile E. Coyote tried attacking him which is why his face shows up, but of course someone on this page already beat me to a Wile E. joke so i have another joke i feel like sharing: That coyote was the one who probably ended up in the "Chuck Testa" taxidermy video as punishment for jumpscaring people lol

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