Manual of Style

From Screamer Wiki
Revision as of 20:05, 11 December 2020 by Lawiki (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 37553 by SkyBlueCat (talk))
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This is the Screamer Wiki Manual of Style; all pages are expected to meet this MOS. This Guide consists of how to write and edit articles on the Screamer Wiki in order to keep articles uniform-looking. Anybody can add to this. An article that does not comply with the layout, will have the {{Cleanup}} Template added.

Not following these guidelines will NOT get your account banned.

General page layout

The page should start with a few sentences about the screamer along with an infobox. Then, if necessary, you may break the article up into different sections. At the end of the page, there should be a "Links" section with a screamer note and an unclickable link.


<!-- ... --> means a comment. Things inside of those are not required when writing an article. This is how the page should look like in the source editor.

<!-- Templates explaining the page -->


Opening paragraph about the screamer

More general detail about the screamer

===More Info if needed===
Things such as "history," "in popular culture," "see also", etc. 

Image1.jpg|About the image
Image2.jpg|About the image

<u>NOTE</u>: The following game contains a [[screamer]]!


[[Category:Jeremy Winterrowd]]


  • When writing the page, use common sense, make all sentences with a CAPITAL first letter of the first word in a sentence, and to END all sentences with a period. However, you shouldn't abuse it

Replace "If The Players Presses The Button, a close-up picture of Regan MacNeil appears with A loud Scream" with "If the player presses the button. a close-up picture of Regan MacNeil appears with a loud scream"

Quotation Marks and Quotes

Punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks except when using a colon or semicolon.

  • "Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
    • "...finally hear the sound signaling the arrival of Christmas day"; the sentence then gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials.

I, You, We

Unless quoting someone, do not use these words.

  • Replace "Once we reach the third level of The Maze, the walls get thin and you reach the screamer at the end..."
    • with "Once the player reaches the third level of The Maze, the walls get thin and the player reaches the screamer at the end..."

The exception to this one is jokes.

Sexist/Genderist Language

DO NOT use "he" or "she" if the gender is neutral; instead (in order of recommendation), use "they" (change the sentence to be plural) "he or she," or "ze/hir" (best used upon a gender-neutral character in a screamer, but people may not know what this pronoun is).

  • If the player presses the button on his keyboard...
    • If players press the button on their keyboards...
    • If the player presses the button on his or her keyboard...
    • If the player presses the button on hir keyboard...

Citing Sources

Generally, all work that can not be found out by the screamer itself should be cited.

There are no banned websites for citing sources. Just make sure you know that the piece is correct.

Links (For Real)

Screamer links should ALWAYS be non-clickable. This does not apply to other links in the article, nor censored screamers.
Make sure the link is indented with a bullet point. The description (only if needed) should be bolded and before the link itself, which should NOT be bolded. DO NOT link to content that is illegal, such as 17- nudity, etc.

  • - Weird 2009 version
    • Weird 2009 Version:

If the link is deleted, make the text strikethrough and note that the link was deleted.

  • Deleted:

Adding Controversial Shock Sites/Videos

If the video is still relevant, do not create an article on the Screamer Wiki about it.

Some governments block the video in the respective country (the Christchurch shooting is one example).


Adding humor is encouraged on the wiki. Just make sure that the joke actually makes sense. Look at RationalWiki and The Cutting Room Floor for inspiration. Also, make sure jokes are not super offensive.

First Sentence

In most cases, the first sentence should start off with the name of the screamer in bold. Then a brief description of the year, the type (game, video, etc), and the maker should be added.

  • The Maze is a game created by Jeremy Winterrowd in 2005.

Periods, Commas, and other Punctuation

When making a list, always add the oxford comma. This prevents misconceptions about what is happening.


A screamer should never also be listed as a shock site, and vise versa.

  • Fruit Launcher should be just labeled as a shock site. Not a .gif or website.

Passive and Active Voices

Articles should tend to use the Active voice instead of the passive voice.

  • Active Voice: "when the player clicks the red button, a close-up picture of Pazuzu appears"
    • Passive Voice "when the button was clicked by a player, a close-up picture of Pazuzu is shown"


Profanity is allowed on the wiki uncensored. Profane language, however, should only be used in an informative manner and should never be censored.

However, obsessive profanity should be censored.

Racial slurs shall only be used when absolutely necessary to explain the article. An example of this is Last Measure. Racial slurs should never be used in user pages, comments, or on the forums.

Profanity and racial slurs, however, should be always censored if they are on the main page.

Attributing the Creator

The creator of the screamer should always, if possible, be the creator's real name (if one person). If multiple people, the username or name of the company is okay.

Do not go too far (going through leaked databases (000webhost leak, etc)) to get somebody's real name, however, as that is doxxing.

  • Mentos + Yakult is a screamer created by Linboyz
    • Mentos + Yakult is a screamer created by Lincoln Lin Junhong (Linboyz)

Hosting Download Links to Files

Files and screamers are best hosted at the in-house If that is not possible, Mediafire, Mega, or something else is okay, however, make sure to avoid using Google Drive. External hosts (ex. 000webhost ( should be avoided as well as many free hosting providers will easily terminate your website.

Showcase Videos

If making a showcase video, make sure to blur or pixelate the video. When recording the video, please make sure the video is at the highest resolution possible.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents is a list of contents that can mostly be found on larger pages like K-fee commercials, the TOC should not be hidden, On smaller pages with only one or two sections, should have {{TOCDefault}} added.


  • Infoboxes are a list of information of the screamer, they talk about the (type, release date, creator), which is seen the top right corner before scrolling down of the page, They are used to make the article good-looking, To properly uses them, make sure to follow all of these guidelines beneath.


Self-explanatory. Who made the screamer?

  • Jeremy Winterrowd
  • RainbowSparkle207
  • Unknown


What is the screamer? Fill in what the screamer or shock site is.

  • Bait-and-switch video
  • Website
  • Shock video
  • Flash game
  • HTML5 game or Browser game
  • Video
  • Wrong: Gore Video, Kapwing Video

Release date

When was the screamer released. Use MM/DD/YY as your format. You can omit the month, day, and/or year if the exact date is not available.

  • March 15, 2020
  • March 2020
  • 2020


  • Images are important to add on the infobox, make sure the images you used doesn't involve the screamer and NSFW, NSFL materials included, or else the administrators will delete the images for violating this rule.

Example Infobox

|name = The Maze
|Picture = The_Maze.jpg
|Quote = The third level in The Maze.
|Maker = Jeremy Winterrowd
|Type = Flash game
|Release date = October 2004