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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

This page is about a screamer or shock site, whose original copy has been deleted.
This screamer's original copy is deleted, but the article links to an archive on the Wayback Machine or another saved copy.

Duckpack51 is a graphic shock video of a young man getting beheaded by what appears to be a criminal gang. The video is named after the now deleted Blogspot where it originated from. The original video went viral on June 4, 2021 and showed a clip of a girl, who is possibly Screamer Wiki user Anghaa03[1] dancing on TikTok before cutting to the man being executed.


The video originated on a now-deleted Blogspot page titled Duckpack51. The video was first uploaded by the user Mayengg03 on TikTok, who was banned after he uploaded the video. During the video's release, the TikTok moderators have tried their best to investigate who's behind the video.[2]

At first, the video depicted a girl dancing to the song "Dick" by Starboy3, and then cut to the execution footage of a 19-year-old Mexican criminal Rodolfo Belluci, who began his criminal career at age 15. The video took place in what appears to be either a shower stall or locker room. Throughout the video, the executors taunt Belluci in Spanish, including with the words "puto" and "pillo", which are usually for males. They do not fully behead him in the video.

After Rodolfo Bellucci was murdered, he had his corpse scattered across Cuernavaca, Morelos. The execution took place in February 2019, and the video went viral in 2021 after it was uploaded to TikTok.[3]


During the viral spread of the video, hundreds of users on Twitter tried to warn others.

The edited video of Rodolfo's beheading went unnoticed by TikTok's moderation team, and immediately gained a massive amount of negative attention from TikTok users and some media networks including Newsweek, BristolLive, etc. When asked about the video by Newsweek, a spokesperson for TikTok responded with:

"We appreciate the concerted effort by our community to warn about an unconscionably graphic clip from another site that was spliced into a video and brought onto TikTok. The original video was quickly removed, and our systems are proactively detecting and blocking attempted re-uploads of the clip to catch malicious behavior before the content can receive views.
We apologize to those in our community, including our moderators, who may have come upon this content."[4]


  1. #comment-10856


NOTE: The following video contains extremely graphic content!




Anonymous #1
45 months ago
Score 0 You
was it so hard to upload the video here you know it's going to get removed, and you didn't even try to download it
Anonymous #1
45 months ago
Score 0 You
Do we KNOW its real?
Anonymous #1
45 months ago
Score 1 You
The person who was killed is not the same girl because the executed one was a man
Anonymous #1
42 months ago
Score 1 You
39 months ago
Score 0
I thought 1444 was just a suicide video thrown in with deep web bullshit.
Anonymous #1
37 months ago
Score 1 You
I remember when this video was going around, glad i never had to see it for myself
22 months ago
Score 0
"Those aren't dance moves" -me reacting to the video
22 months ago
Score 0
Pretty much tiktok "dances" are just fucking fodder
12 months ago
Score 0
They definitely aren't! 😭
18 days 12 hours 40 minutes ago
Score 0
@Anghaa03 You would say this
17 months ago
Score 1
i hope this twitter user and their sister are okay now.
12 months ago
Score 1
Hello! I am actually the girl in the beginning of this video! I actually didn't find that this video existed 2 years after it became more popular. In the beginning video, I was actually 13 going on 14. Now I'm 17 and almost 18! My friend just recently sent this page to me and I have been thinking about answering some frequently asked questions here, so here it is!

  • Are you the same person in the 2nd video* — No, the 2nd person is a completely different person, and I have no idea who they are and I've never meant them. Anyone who says I'm the same person in the second video is wrong.
  • Did this video affect your life & do people talk about it still?* — Yes, it absolutely affects my life. Ever since I found out this video exists I've had constant nightmares and was diagnosed with OCD and anxiety. This video has caused me a lot of mental health problems. Yes, I still get asked about it, but not as often anymore. I've transitioned since this video so I'm not as recognizable anymore, I now identify as a male.
  • Have you seen the video?* — Yes, so many times! The first time I saw it was around the end of 2022 I believe, my friend sent me a link to the video and asked me if it was me in the beginning. The video was quickly spread around my school and my mom was eventually contacted about it. I've seen it many times.
  • Are you Mexican?* — No, I'm actually Filipino, and my name is Anghaa ( pronounced On-ga ). Again, I have nothing to do with the video at the end, and the gentleman in the video is not related to me nor have I ever met him.
  • What is your opinion about the video?* — I think this video is horrible. I hate being associated with. A few months ago, a family member of this poor man reached out to me, they said they can't stop thinking of this video and they have nightmares about it. I think this video is just evil. It's traumatized many young kids such as me, and I'm absolutely not comfortable being in the video itself, and have tried before to find the person who made it.
  • What's the backstory to the first video? Was your name actually Mayengg03?* — Nope. I originally uploaded the video to Likee actually, it's an app similar to TikTok, but weirder. It was simply a dancing video to a song I liked. That account is actually still up but I don't feel comfortable sharing the username as it has more personal and embarrassing videos on it, but it's easy to find honestly. And no, my name isn't Mayengg, I don't have any idea who this is. My name at the time was Althea, so I don't have a clue who this is. It was just the poster who named the account Mayengg03, and the woman in the profile picture isn't even me. Any account on TikTok going by the name "Mayengg" is not me. I was simply just the girl used in the beginning.

If you have any more questions I don't mind answering them below! I also apologize for any grammar mistakes, I'm still learning English.

12 months ago
Score 1
Have you ever encountered any other screamers before? If so, how scared were you of them? Will you ever make an article on a screamer that you find? Most Important Question: Are you actually the person at the start of the vid? Or are you saying cap and hoping for the upvotes. (Genuine question)
12 months ago
Score 1
Yes! I've encountered quite a few screamers such as the car K-Fee commercial, 2 girls 1 cup, 1 man 1 jar, and Blue Waffle, and yes I was disturbed and got scared. And if I do find a screamer that isn't already on here, I might consider making an article. Yes. I am the person at the start of the video dancing. I'm not really active on this website so I don't really care about upvotes.
12 months ago
Score 1
do you still have the clothes you were wearing in the video?
12 months ago
Score 1
I still have the shorts, and I actually wear them sometimes. But I don't have the black crop top anymore.
3 months ago
Score 0
Too late.. hi there.. do you still live in that room of the dancing video? If so.. do you get disturbed whenever you see it? Like getting flashbacks of this video?

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