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Revision as of 11:03, 22 June 2023 by Nemesis6051 (talk | contribs) (Updated with info from analyzing the source code.)

Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

Closed Website
This article is about a website that no longer exists. Links to its archive on the Wayback Machine or a saved copy are provided. was a shock site created by the infamous internet trolling group known as the Gay Nigger Association of America (GNAA).

As a variant of Last Measure, spawned countless windows containing shock images such as Goatse, Tubgirl, and the Pain Series. The page embedded a Flash file called hey.swf to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio clip. In addition to hey.swf, also played an array of 16 audio files of various GNAA members saying “HEY EVERYBODY, I’M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!” which played with a staggered delay effect on a continuous loop.

The metadata of the website contained a long slew of keywords, which were also present on the main page itself. This may have been an attempt to get the page listed under Google.

Pressing Alt+F4 or Ctrl key brings up an alert with the text "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, please leave immediately". However, pressing the Del key displays a “credits” message that reads:

LAST MEASURE BY PENISBIRD, Rolloffle, and Rucas.
Bob Goatse
Rusty's Wife
What the fuck? That guy's ass is showing in his baby's picture!

Total, complete, all-versions, popup blocker bashing-to-pieces by goat-see
nhey.swf by rkz
Updated by sam, Jmax, JacksonBrown, Dessimat0r, timecop, and others.

Viewing the source code reveals the full shock image list to be penisbird.gif, awesome.jpg, hello.jpg, hotblowjob.jpg, zoidberg.jpg, tubgirl.jpg, harlequin1.jpg, Pain2.jpg, harlequin2.jpg, Pain3.jpg, harlequin3.jpg, Pain4.jpg, Pain5.jpg, stretch.jpg, stopracism.jpg, rustina.jpg, pooped.jpg, Pain.jpg, freak.jpg, Untitled.jpg, pillowfight.jpg, loopback.jpg, lemonparty.jpg, christmas.jpg, weightlifter.jpg, and spin.gif.

Just like its predecessor, used the procreate function to spawn windows, but its window-moving protocol function was called movew0w instead of playBall. It utilized the onmousemove and onmouseover events to call on the procreate and movew0w functions, and if the user attempted to close any windows, the page would utilize the onunload event to call upon those same functions. It also utilized a function named ruin which called an infinite loop in an attempt to freeze the browser. also made various outbound connections. The site attempted to connect to the GNAA and EFnet IRC servers, and attempted to access the alt.flame.niggers and alt.flame.faggots Usenet newsgroups. It used rlogin and telnet to attempt to connect to a remote address. It also contained a callto hyperlink to dial JOIN_THE_GNAA__2005_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE, and opened up the computer’s default email client to compose a message to the email address JOIN@THE.GNAA with 2006_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE as the subject and as the body.

Additionally, it opened up AOL Instant Messager to send a message to the user "Gary_Niger" with the body HY LOL HY LOL, and attempted to add the screennames HY, LOL, HY, LOL, HY, LOL, join, the, gnaa, 2006, RECRUITMENT, DRIVE, heartiez2incog to the AIM buddy list.

The site also downloaded three files. Two of these files were "jews.wmv" and "lm.pdf". The .wmv video did not play or function in any way, and the PDF file was not an actual PDF but instead a redirect to Last Measure. It also attempted to download Gayniggers From Outer Space [GNAA Digitally Remastered].avi from an eDonkey file sharing network. It also utilized a Java applet called LastCoffee, but it is unclear what this applet did. was unique in its deceptive nature. Users could be tricked into accessing Last Measure by adding any keyword before the "" part of the URL, such as "".


NOTE: The following shock site contains graphic content, as well as a malicious script that may harm your computer!


See Also


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