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Closed Website
This article is about a website that no longer exists. Links to its archive on the Wayback Machine or a saved copy are provided. or simply Shafou was a chinese screamer website that was registered in November 11th, 2015, the site is specifically a mirror of


When opened, it displays a close-up image of Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist, accompanied by three extremely loud screams from The Maze, and then repeats. The file used is "kjkj.swf," same content as used in, and it maybe a mirror of it.

The website has the meta keyword: "突然打开的吓人尖叫网站,整人的吓人网站" which (poorly) translates as: "A scary screaming website that opens suddenly", revealing its purpose, it has the title of the webpage as: "吓人的网站" which translates to: "Scary website", the creator was revealed to be "snsunzhen"[1], due to his actual Facebook account being linked above the screamer.

Furthermore, clicking the picture is said to be shared on the user's Facebook account; however, unless the user is signed in to Facebook, it will lead to its login page instead. The website uses obfuscated Base64 code, making it difficult to determine that it is a screamer.


November 5th, 2009 - 2011

In November 2009, the website content included links to the download, links, and a search bar, and the website content is the original state of the domain, The whole website content was replaced by a screamer in June 2010. There was also a link to a different website in the bottom of the page: - a blog showing a girl with Chinese text in multiple pictures. Here you can find a snapshot of February 10th, 2016.[2] Now this link just goes to

On May 5th, it has a link above the screamer that leads to a blog, that is written by the creator himself, stating that someone asked him to purchase the domain, on October 1st, the website has a Facebook link to the creator's account, which was mentioned earlier, on March 2012, the website has a link to, where he posts several blogs of himself, right next to the TMD link, there is a hyperlink text that leads to an oranum chat. the blog website then moves on to "".[3],

2013 - October 2019

In 2013, the same content of the website but no longer has the link to his blog, the file later changes to "s.swf" and the title changes to "SHAFOU" in capital before returning to lowercase, in February 2016, the website now has the link to his blog again, then later on, the website was replaced with a redirect to, presumably by the same creator, However, it then reverts to the same content, but with a picture of Regan MacNeil instead of a.swf file, and a link to above, revealing that it's the same author of that site, since while "" used to be a regular blog site, it has the "Home" link that redirects to[4], However, the link to Herobrine was removed, However, both of them later changed to have the same content after 2 years.

October 2019 - Present

In October 2019, the screamer was now replaced with a note: "你访问的这个网站域名正在以9.9万元的价格出售中,交易方式为阿里云带价PUSH,如买请联系 13225271551 不买不要联系", which translates as: "The domain name of the website you are visiting is being sold at a price of 99,000 yuan. The transaction method is PUSH with Alibaba Cloud price. If you want to buy it, please contact 13225271551. Don’t contact if you don’t want to buy it.".[5] indicating the website has been sold for 99,000 yuan, However, the site is now closed.


  1. The Archive of him linking his Facebook Account. (October 1st, 2011)
  4. The archive state of, having the "Home" link redirect to Shafou. (March 27th, 2014)
  5. a note from the creator of, stating about the site has been sold for 99,000 yuan


NOTE: The following links contains a screamer!



  • Herobrine.96.It

See Also


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