Classic Caillou Scares Rosie with The Scary Maze Game - Grounded

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Classic Caillou Scares Rosie with The Scary Maze Game | Grounded is a video made by IceLuigi StarPictures on December 3rd, 2018. It is, unsurprisingly, a "Caillou gets grounded" video that revolves around screamers; however, unlike most "grounded" videos, it was made using Plotagon instead of GoAnimate or its successor Vyond.

The plot is simple and formulaic as with all of these videos: Classic Caillou makes Rosie play the Scary Maze Game as a prank, and Boris punishes him by making him watch the K-fee car commercial before grounding him for "an additional 10 decades". Both screamers are included in their entirety.

Due to the technical limitations of Plotagon, the video has many odd features such as Rosie being depicted as an adult woman despite still acting like a toddler, and Boris “sleeping” sitting upright on his bed awake.

The video states that Boris spent "24k hours" saying "grounded" repeatedly. This is equal to 2.74 years. At a rate of one "grounded" per second, Boris said "grounded" approximately 86,400,000 times.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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