From Screamer Wiki
MUST WATCH AGORIO REACTION COMPATLATION is a bait-and-switch reaction compilation video which contains a screamer. The video shows some people being pranked by, including two reactions that are actually of The Maze and Follow the Red Dot. However at 1:56, a blue background appears along with a white line of text which reads "and the funniest of them all", and after a few seconds, a flashing picture of Jeff the Killer, which is (almost) the same picture as the picture from the screamer itself, appears along with a loud shriek.
There is another video that the creator has uploaded, called "MUST WATCH SCARY MAZE GAME REACTION COMPILATION", which is the same thing, but with people reacting to an infamous flash game called The Maze by Jeremy Winterrowd, it has a screamer part at the end of the video, however, this one got deleted for containing content from NBC Universal, the video got blocked in several countries for copyright grounds.
A total of six reactions are in this compilation video.
Reaction 1
A hispanic boy first talks about what he is about to see, and then searches on his computer. Once Jeff pops up, the boy gets startled for a second, but immediately calms down; a cover of Fade by Alan walker then plays in the background.
Reaction 2
An English Boy (LG SPORTS) stars talking to the viewer about something, however, since the video has no sound, nothing can be heard. The boy then types in "" on his browser to where he is met with the jumpscare (which does have sound). The boy then quickly closes the browser in shock of what he just saw. The creator of the reaction compilation then shows a replay, of the facecam, of the part where the boy gets scared.
Reaction 3
A boy is watching Follow the Red Dot, presumably after his parents tell him to. Once the scream pops up, the boy screams, runs away to (presumably) his mother, then cries. The mother can be heard laughing.
Reaction 4
A boy is on a Skype call with another kid (who can be heard chuckling because of what is about to happen). The boy then types in "" on computer while saying "no that, that is definitely horrible: What the hell-"; once the scream pops up, the boy almost jumps out of his chair. The creator of the reaction compilation, again, then shows a replay, of the facecam, of the part where the boy gets scared. Text reading "do not watch" then appears.
Reaction 5
A girl is seen playing The Maze on a laptop, and is currently on the third level. Once Regan MacNeil pops up, the girl screams loudly, falls off of her chair, then runs out of the room.
The text "Thanks for watching" then appears.
Reaction 6
This reaction is you! The text "AND NOW THE FUNNIEST OF THEM ALL!" pops up, and abruptly afterwards, Jeff the Killer pops up with the scream from
NOTE: The following video contains a screamer with flashing lights!
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