

User:SynthIsHere2564/Pootis Status

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 02:16, 25 July 2023 by Carsonlee0205 (talk | contribs) (S T O L E N V I D E O ! ! !)
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This screamer/shock site is lost.
This page is about a screamer or shock site which doesn't appear to exist anymore. If you have any copies of this, please add them to the page or in the comments. You can also find a comprehensive list of Lost screamers here.

This screamer/shock site is lost.
This page is about a screamer or shock site which doesn't appear to exist anymore. If you have any copies of this, please add them to the page or in the comments.

Pootis Status is a 12-second screamer video uploaded to vimeo made by MaxieShadow20 (also known as SynthIsHere2564 on this wiki.)

the video shows a same video as Rootpain, drawing of a clip of pink stickman. right before 5-second mark, a picture of a Rumia from Touhou with glowing red eyes with the same scream from Loituma. after screamer, we see text saying "Fools, Got You ;)".


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!




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