Angel Park Musashi

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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

Angel Park Musashi (えんじぇるぱーく武蔵) is a Japanese screamer website created by Sukatoromanko on April 4th, 2013. The website is somewhat similar to Goodbye to the Dolphin's Dream and

The website starts with a main page, which is filled with flashing, distorted, erotic GIFs featuring anime characters and Japanese messages.

  • A GIF of a flashing banner with two anime girls with blue eyes and hair and flashing red text that translates to "Congratulations!! We've reached 18 visitors!"
  • Three insects with anime faces
  • An image of a bright sky with text that translates to:
    • resurrection to death
    • destruction and creation
    • chaos and order
    • Agisha's yearning
  • A GIF of an anime girl (actually a modified image of Felix Argyle, an effeminate catboy from the Re:Zero franchise) with “her” (his) face distorted and a rainbow substance splattered all over with a message that translates to "Magical facial cumshot! Ejaculation feeling in another dimension!"
  • An image of a sky with airplanes with frame and pills and a poem says "My fingers trembles, my heart beats, like early, its strong I'm old enough"
  • A GIF of the painting "Sleeping Venus" by Renaissance artist Giorgione, with a distorting anime head.

If the viewer clicks on the door, pictures of eight people will be displayed.


First Picture

It depicts an image of what appears to be a family with mojibake text on the bottom while distorted sounds can be heard.

Second Picture

It depicts an image of men standing in front of a statue, similar in format to the first picture.

Third Picture

It contains a flashing background with three anime creatures shaking while a distorted sound can be heard.

Fourth Picture

It displays a head without eyes and a background flashing red and blue, accompanied by a loud song. Clicking on it leads to a page with several duplicates of the head, which when clicked leads to another page with the same heads covered by flashing red and blue squares. Clicking one of the heads once more leads to several of the same heads with moving eyes and mouths while a loud sound plays. This page automatically redirects back to the first page after a few seconds. In place of a head in the third page is a drawing of a flower, which when clicked on leads to a puzzle page. This puzzle page contains an image of a person which reveals a Japanese character "き" when clicked on, meaning "tree, 1st-5th character".

Fifth Picture

It displays a scraped Pentel oil pastels box. When clicked, it contains a dead insect surrounded by ants in a box while a cicada sound can be heard.

Sixth Picture

It displays a flashing red background with corrupted text and a face without skin. An extremely loud crying sound is heard in the background.

Seventh Picture

It contains pictures of two strange humanoid beings and an arrow connecting them and a question mark below. Clicking the question mark displays another distorted human. The title reads "ふたりの天使を 究極悪魔合体 なのだ", translating to "two angels combined into the ultimate demon".

Eighth Picture

Seven lines of kanji can be seen on this page, which each redirect to different pages. Two of the lines are identical but lead to different sites. They translate to:

  • Mass Suicide
  • The Kouka people are coming.
  • No Repair! No Repair!
  • Bloody Nightmare
  • The field of vision
  • The field of vision
  • Five Whispering People
1st Kanji

It links to a GIF of poorly drawn girl with big eyes on her cheeks as she giggles.

2nd Kanji

It leads to a drawing of a girl falling onto a box cutter with an extremely loud sound. If the girl falls into the box cutter before the viewer clicks her, they will be sent back to the seven lines of kanji. If the girl is clicked, the viewer will be redirected to a page with a poorly drawn, dismembered girl's body with what appears to be feces. Clicking certain body parts leads to a distorted image of a doll with a loud screeching sound. When clicking on the woman's right arm, however, the woman's head pops up with a loud eerie sound. The viewer is then redirected to a similar page, but without the right arm. Then, the viewer can click on her left leg, then her right leg, then her left arm, and then her torso to progress. Afterwards, the woman's head reappears while distorted music can be heard. When clicking the woman's head, a popup appears that translates to, "Question 2: How many times did you say it?" while a GIF of moving Japanese text is displayed and a Japanese narrator is heard. The viewer is then redirected to the page with seven lines of kanji.

3rd Kanji

The 3rd one links to a 3 audio link has installed with 2 Kanji, the red swirling thing and an eye.

4th Kanji

The 4th line of kanji leads to a quiz page. If the viewer clicks an incorrect answer, black text appears that translates to, "Failure. You are an inappropriate person. Have a human heart," appears and the viewer must click on a link below to return to the quiz page.

1st Question: A horse and a cow opened a restaurant. Which one came out on top in the taste competition? Answer: 1. Horse

2nd Question: What is it that Oni is always holding? Answer: 2. Rice balls

3rd Question: Who are the friends with one entrance and three exits Answer: 3. Clothes

4th Question: What kind of car is that with two "9"s on it? Answer: 2. Ambulance

5th Question: Where does Musashi Province, one of Japan's Ryo system countries, fall under in terms of current place names? Choose the most appropriate one. Answer: 3. Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa

6th Question: There is a wrinkle on my face. What was that? Answer: 3. Great ancestors, red skinned people

7th Question: The mysterious image is.. Answer: 2. It's moving

8th Question: Who is this wonderful prince? Answer: 1. Reincarnated gal sone

9th Question: What is the cook's final line? Answer: 1. Enjoy!

10th Question: Yamato, or Japan? Answer: 1. Tentenchu

11th Question: An image of a distorted smiling figure appears accompanied by a loud sound. Answer: Any answer.

88th Question: The image becomes a GIF and zooms in on a rainbow flashing background. Answer: 2. Din! Sacrifice. (2 times)

88th Question: A GIF of a real woman with anime eyes and an X-shaped mouth eating carrots appears atop a flaming background with loud music. How many carrots do you eat? Answer: 1. 6 carrots

89th Question: Answer: 2. 12 carrots

90th Question Answer: 1. 24 carrots

At the end of the quiz, black text appears that reads, "All the answers were correct! You are a good person!! Good for you." Below, two masks can be seen with text between them that says, "The answer to question 4 is 3." The viewer can then return to the kanji page.

5th Kanji

Kanji number 5 leads to an image that appears to be a half-naked anime girl with blue Japanese text, 2 hearts with wings and a poorly drawn star scrolling across the screen. Pressing any of the Japanese text will create a pop up with a song. Several of these songs are loud and distorted.


In the main page the viewer clicked on the image that seems to be a real-life woman with anime eyes and a drawn blood on her mouth and a halo with the pink text saying, "Loveliness comes from within me It is said that it is seeping out misunderstanding. .TXT"

An image of a sky with white square and a text saying The misconception is that my loveliness oozes from within me.

The osechi I made last year was still in the fridge. When I opened the lid, I saw that my mother's umbilical cord was inside, and as I was about to throw it away, I met Kimutaku's eyes next to me. She was probably mistaken for the person in question, and a girl who looked like Seiko Matsuda was probably her mistress. Don't be dirty, you're an adult. But unfortunately, they don't look alike anymore, so he doesn't appear in person! yes! I'm sure it's funny lol What's the fun in putting your ruler against your crotch? Let's stop now. As a result, even if you deny it, I'm still alive. Is that really a human being? It's ridiculous that you're feeding your in-laws Oronine. Do you know the concept of human rights, such as the legendary treasure sword and the nest sound? ? On the other hand, there are a lot of dokusare-class people who come here today wearing the wrong shoes. After all, keeping watch until 6 a.m. is bad for your skin and health. Just like the delivery guy doesn't look at me, I just ban people who live in the poor class. Is it my destiny to have the same sensibilities when I look at the comments section of gravure idols? (lol) The earth is crying today as well.

If the viewer clicked on the down right, it would encounter the main page from before with a flashing color background. If the viewer clicks on the door, pictures of eight people from before now with flashing colors. Having a loud sparkling sound effect with a Japanese voice welcoming you when you encountered the page, which can be heard.


NOTE: The following website contains lots of screamers!




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