
Maze Game 4

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Revision as of 22:22, 21 December 2022 by Itscorndog710 (talk | contribs)

Not to be confused with the sequel Scariest Maze Game 2.

Maze Game 4 formerly Scariest Maze Game is a screamer game that has similarities with The Maze and was created by Joshua Mustill. It was originally hosted on before it later became rehosted on This game also has a sequel to Scariest Maze Game 2.

The player's goal is to control a blue square with the use of a cursor to complete all 5 levels, there is a chance that they may get a picture of a zombie whenever they complete one of them. The final level tricks the player into thinking they are timed, if the player doesn't reach the end, nothing happens and the text changes to: "Nah, I'm Just Kidding". In the original it had bad english saying ", 'm ut kidding oncentrte nd tke". When the player completes the fifth (final) level, a typing text animation appears congratulating the player near the end.

However, about three-quarters of the way through the sentence before it finishes, the following terrifying images will appear into a photomontage: a woman with a part of her face torn off (horror makeup), a balloon from Ronald McDonald, a red man's face in darkness, a photoshopped hand with a screaming mouth, and an ugly light blue face, along with a screaming sound used in the game. The game also knows if the player is cheating; if using the right-click function, they will be automatically taken to the Game Over screen.


Showcase Video


NOTE: The following game contains a screamer!


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