There is a subliminal message in this video

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File:MV5BMmZjZDg2ZjItYTVkNC00YWRmLThmZTMtNTYxNTI5MWM4NjU4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@. V1 SY1000 CR0,0,670,1000 AL .jpg

There is a subliminal message in this video is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube made by UserWasKilled. 

The video starts by showing a text that tells the viewer that this film being shown in the background, was advertising a subliminal message behind it, the background shows the character from Template:Wikipedia eating a plastic, However, there is no subliminal message behind this clip, another text appears which tells the viewer that the message is behind the tinfoil where the man was eating, but there is no message behind the tinfoil, However, after a few seconds, a picture of Regan MacNeil resembling the face of Pazuzu, pops-up along with a generic, loud female scream, the image will go on for 25 seconds, before ending the video, the video thumbnail already spoils the screamer.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!




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