User:Lawiki/Where to release your screamer

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This is a quick guide on where you should release your screamer and what types you should post.


Getting banned for posting Steady Hand on /f/.

Posting screamers is against global rule 3 on 4chan.

/b/ and /trash/

You will NOT be banned from 4chan if you post screamers on these two boards since global rule 3 is not in effect on this board.

  • It's probably best to look for YLYL or REKT threads and post there.

GIFs are the best type of screamer to post on this board since most boards do not allow videos with sound and boards do not allow YouTube embeds.


/f/ is a good board to troll people on when posting a flash screamer.


/wsg/ is a good board to troll people on for videos (since sound is allowed).


With the large amount of political videos and ease of sorting by new, political bait screamers are the best to post there. An example of one that was posted there was Is Dr. Anthony Fauci part of the Illuminati? Note that it takes a long while for your channel to actually show up on BitChute's homepage when sorting by new, so wait a few weeks before posting anything on a new channel.

Sexual bait screamers, such as Hot Blonde in Tanning Bed work well too.


Posting a screamer is very simple on Reddit since all you need to do is find a subreddit related to your screamer and post it there. If the subreddit you're posting on is not screamer nor horror related, you WILL get downvoted to 0 and likely your post deleted and account banned, however, since many sort by new on Reddit, plenty of people will watch your screamer.


On TikTok, you can easily rip a short YouTube video and put it on the site.

If you have a small profile and a following (and are not scared to show your face), you can make a video similar to TW-Jumpscare or Impossible Backflip, which will likely garner more views than just ripping a YouTube video.

Then put as many hashtags as possible into the description.

Regardless of what you do, this should garner at least a handful of views.

Twitter and Similar Alternatives

On Twitter, simply post a video with a ton of hashtags related to your video then check your engagement.


YouTube deleted Wonder Woman 1984 Full Movie (Leaked)

YouTube is a HUGE video platform (that should not be a surprise).

Make sure you know what community you are attempting to target when creating a screamer here.

For example, if you are attempting to release a video for the piracy community on the platform, download the first portion of the movie (maybe the first minute) then put the screamer in and leave the rest of the video as a black screen for the rest of the movie's normal runtime. An example of this is Wonder Woman 1984 Full Movie (Leaked), which gained 1k views before being deleted by YouTube.

You can always upload a "scary pop up" or "stare into the screen" but these are not as effective anymore since the YouTube algorithm will likely not push these videos unless you are actually looking for screamers.

When uploading your video, make sure to fill out as many tags for the video as possible as they will help your video be seen in search.

You can tell how effective your screamer is by the like to dislike ratio. A screamer video with a ton of likes is probably because people know that the video is a screamer.

A screamer video with a ton of dislikes usually means you baited a ton of people that did not know the video is a screamer.

YouTube, however, has been banning certain screamer videos as misleading so keep that in mind.