Windows XP Horror Edition

Windows XP Horror Edition is a screamer application created by a user WobbyChip, and was first given to Siam Alam to showcase and popularize the virus.
The application's icon is a Windows XP logo but in dark, red version, When the user launches the program, at which point a fake Windows XP update is installed, while the update is progressing, the user can hear some weird music playing in the background, After waiting, the update stops at 66% percent, and gives an error message: "Setup cannot copy the file ntdll.dll set up will use file 666.Sys", When the player clicks "OK", at which point everything turns into a dark, and eerie, the logo suddenly changes into an eye with a text besides it: "Don't Look Behind You." along with creepy music, the update continues to progress, However, the screen distorts as soon as the update completes, accompanied by an extremely, loud white noises, the screen goes back into a startup screen but with a skull displayed.
After a few seconds, the computer's desktop is now changed, the background is now filled with skulls, the task bar is now red, the start button changes into an image of a hand with a text: "DEAD", the applications are now gone (although they were already deleted before the update screen appears for a split second) expect for the desktop icon, there is a note file in the upper right corner, opening the file leads to a message: "CONGRATULATION YOU OPENED ME, DO YOU WANNA PLAY A GAME, OKEY THEN LOOKED BEHIND YOU", After around 5 seconds, the screen suddenly changes into Granny crawling towards the viewer, followed by Game Over screen, if the player clicks the start button, the profile is shown, along with some blood spatter, when the player clicks it, which leads the screen changes into black and a door, clicking the door opens it, the text: "GO TO SLEEP", then it returns back to the desktop after that, there is another note file labeled: "NOTHING" next to the desktop icon, which leads to a strange, and bizzare animation, it is called: "The Sad Man".
If the player clicks on the Desktop icon, a message box appears: "DO YOU WANT TO TRASH YOUR COMPUTER FOREVER", if the player clicks OK, the computer itself moves in to the recycle bin, and a Red screen of Death appears, and the shows its error code 0x66666666, After a few seconds, the screen suddenly changes into an eye, with a text: "I'M WATCHING YOU" along with a creepy music playing the background, the computer is now completely unbootable because the MBR was overwritten causing windows to boot again.
NOTE: The following application contains a screamer! as well as a malicious script that could harm your computer!
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