
Caida de la bici a 100 por hora - Videos de Humor.flv

From Screamer Wiki

Caida de la bici a 100 por hora - Videos de Humor.flv (translated as: "Bike fall at 100 per hour - Humor Videos.flv") is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by Domingos Parejo on December 9th, 2009, and has over 1,800 views.

The video is a POV of someone riding a bike, the watermark for the website BREAK can noticeably be seen at the bottom right corner of the video. 20 seconds in, the video suddenly pauses as the same screamer image from Dumb and Dumber Ghost of the screaming zombie with boiling skin by Frank Rivera appears over the video, along with a loud female scream.

Showcase Video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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