
From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 10:34, 1 December 2015 by wikia>Ayanamin

Scenery that shows after the screamer. is a screamer website. When you open it, the screen stays black for a second. Then, right after, a picture of Regan from The Exorcist appears and zoomed in and covering all the page with the same scream used in The Maze. After the scream, which last 3 seconds, an image of a starry night sky will show. The screamer is in a loop, so it will show Regan again right after the starry sky. If you scrolled to the bottom of the page, there is a box with spiderman meme and some text explaining that this site was not meant to be just scary, but to be a new form of art. It says "This page is not designed to scare you, if you are watching something else besides the photo of a beautiful girl, look for a psychiatrist."

Website changes

The previous picture that was used. This is the original version, without the effects used in the screamer.

Originally, the website sent you to a black page. Inside this page, there were two links: /666 when the screamer was and one with a chat. Now, if you go to the website, you will be sent directly to the screamer. The screamer has also been changed. Before, it showed a picture of a smiling teenage girl with her eyes all black. The picture has been changed to Regan in August of 2015. In September 2015, the website was changed again and redirected to a video called Head Horse. Now it came back to Regan. The website changed the picture to the smiling teenage girl again in November 2015(?), but now when the screamer ends, in a few minutes it will redirect you to a video called Cosplay.

Text explaining about this website.