
Shockchan is a shock site created and hosted by the same creator who hosted LOLShock in 2015, the site is usually based on the same site, but involves the original videos without having to subsequently change them, the site is full of pornographic content to offend and disgust the viewer into watching one of them,
The site doesn't really much includes gruesome content, shock sites are commonly in alphabetical order, clicking them will provide a description of the current site that you are in which normally explains the content, a lot of them didn't receive much popularity of the website, until that one video was called "Do Not Watch" was mentioned in japan where it talks about the shock sites like Monkey Sugar,
there are 4 remaining types of content on the website consist of "Shock Pictures", "Shock Videos", "Shock Loops" and "Browser Fuckers", but the site doesn't really involve exploits, but only tells you to look up Last Measure.
NOTE: The following shock site contains extremely graphic content!
- Shockchan Category