

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 00:38, 18 December 2022 by Screamer1234 (talk | contribs)


derpy_animation.swf is a My Little Pony shock/screamer Flash animation that originated on 4chan's /f/ board. The oldest mention of the file is on January 3, 2012.[1] The shock file pretends to showcase all of Derpy's animations.

Upon opening the file, Derpy's walking animation along with jazz music playing in the background. The text "TURN UP THE VOLUME FOR SOME SWEET JAZZ" is displayed in order to get users to turn up their volume. Clicking the next button will switch to Derpy's running animation and clicking the button again will switch to Derpy's flying animation.

When users go to the fourth page, a clop animation, with flashing lights, of Derpy having sex with Pinkie Pie with an extremely loud version of Party Party Party by Andrew Wk.


NOTE: The following animation contains pornography and flashing lights!

  • No longer working:
  • Showcase video:


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