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  File:.*(\ |\,)\.(png|gif|jpe?g|tiff?|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|oga|flac|opus|wav|webm|webp) <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-file-extension>
  File:.*(\ |\,)\.(png|gif|jpe?g|tiff?|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|ogv|svg|djvu|oga|flac|opus|wav|webm|webp) <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-file-extension>

.*[ℂ℃℄ɕƌʥℇ℈℉ℊℋℌℍℎℏℐ‼ℑℒℕ℗℘ℙℚℛℜℝ℞℟℣ℤℨ℩ℬℭ℮ℯℰℱℲℳℴℹ℺⅁⅂⅃⅄ⅅⅆⅇⅈⅉⅎ].* <casesensitive> # Select Unicode Letterlike Symbols (excluding Kelvin, Angstrom and Ohm signs, see talk)
.*[ℂ℃℄ɕƌʥℇ℈℉ℊℋℌℍℎℏℐ‼ℑℒℕ℗℘ℙℚℛℜℝ℞℟℣ℤℨ℩ℬℭ℮ℯℰℱℲℳℴℹ℺⅁⅂⅃⅄ⅅⅆⅇⅈⅉⅎ].* <casesensitive> # Select Unicode Letterlike Symbols (excluding Kelvin, Angstrom and Ohm signs, see talk)
.*[\x{249C}-\x{24E9}].* <casesensitive> # Circled and parenthesized Latin letters
.*[\x{249C}-\x{24E9}].* <casesensitive> # Circled and parenthesized Latin letters
.*[\x{FF21}-\x{FF3A}\x{FF41}-\x{FF5A}].* <casesensitive | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-fullwidth> # Fullwidth Latin letters
.*[\x{FF21}-\x{FF3A}\x{FF41}-\x{FF5A}].* <casesensitive | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-fullwidth> # Fullwidth Latin letters
.*[?ʖ؟ʔ].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Question mark lookalikes, used for page move vandalism
.*[?ʖ؟ʔ].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Question mark lookalikes, used for page move vandalism
(?!(User|Wikipedia)( talk)?:|Talk:).*[\x{1D00}-\x{1DBF}].* <casesensitive> # Phonetic extensions, almost never used in valid titles
(?!(User|Wikipedia)( talk)?:|Talk:).*[\x{1D00}-\x{1DBF}].* <casesensitive> # Phonetic extensions, almost never used in valid titles
.*[\x{0250}-\x{02AF}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # IPA extensions, somewhat more common, so blocking only moves for now
.*[\x{0250}-\x{02AF}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # IPA extensions, somewhat more common, so blocking only moves for now
.*[∀-∑∟-∳⊂-⋕⋲-⋿].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Select mathematical operators (excluding "−", "∞" and some other common ones)
.*[∀-∑∟-∳⊂-⋕⋲-⋿].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Select mathematical operators (excluding "−", "∞" and some other common ones)
.*[\x{27C0}-\x{27ef}\x{2980}-\x{29ff}\x{2a00}-\x{2aff}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Misc./supplemental mathematical symbols
.*[\x{27C0}-\x{27ef}\x{2980}-\x{29ff}\x{2a00}-\x{2aff}].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Misc./supplemental mathematical symbols
.*[ⱧȢƪƪҤҺԊѓԍҥҩԌЃϓғҒЊӷⱤɌɍᵲᶉɼᵃᵍᴱᵣᔮᓂᑫᓈᒦ٨٣ץױוזשלﬨטּפּבּڠɆɇᶒⱸȺⱥᶏ١].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Letter lookalikes; none of these are currently used in any mainspace title
.*[ⱧȢƪƪҤҺԊѓԍҥҩԌЃϓғҒЊӷⱤɌɍᵲᶉɼᵃᵍᴱᵣᔮᓂᑫᓈᒦ٨٣ץױוזשלﬨטּפּבּڠɆɇᶒⱸȺⱥᶏ١].* <casesensitive | moveonly> # Letter lookalikes; none of these are currently used in any mainspace title

.*[\x{00A0}\x{1680}\x{180E}\x{2000}-\x{200B}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202F}\x{205F}\x{3000}].* <casesensitive | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-nbsp> # Non-breaking and other unusual spaces, with custom error message
.*[\x{00A0}\x{1680}\x{180E}\x{2000}-\x{200B}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202F}\x{205F}\x{3000}].* <casesensitive | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-nbsp> # Non-breaking and other unusual spaces, with custom error message
.*[\x{202A}-\x{202E}].* <casesensitive> # BiDi overrides
.*[\x{202A}-\x{202E}].* <casesensitive> # BiDi overrides
.*[^\P{So}¦§©®°¶№™☀-⚲✁-➾`].* <casesensitive> # "Other punctuation", with some exceptions (may need more, this is a huge character class); note that single-character titles are permitted by the title whitelist
.*[^\P{So}¦§©®°¶№™☀-⚲✁-➾`].* <casesensitive> # "Other punctuation", with some exceptions (may need more, this is a huge character class); note that single-character titles are permitted by the title whitelist
.*\p{Cc}.* <casesensitive> # Control characters
.*\p{Cc}.* <casesensitive> # Control characters
.*\x{FEFF}.* <casesensitive> # Byte order mark
.*\x{FEFF}.* <casesensitive> # Byte order mark
.*[卍卐࿕࿖࿗࿘☭☠🖕].* <casesensitive> # Swastikas, hammer-and-sickle, skull-and-crossbones, middle finger
.*[卍卐࿕࿖࿗࿘☭☠🖕].* <casesensitive> # Swastikas, hammer-and-sickle, skull-and-crossbones, middle finger
.*\x{00AD}.* <casesensitive> # Soft-hyphen
.*\x{00AD}.* <casesensitive> # Soft-hyphen
.*[^\0-\x{FFFF}].* <casesensitive> # Very few characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane are useful in titles
.*[^\0-\x{FFFF}].* <casesensitive> # Very few characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane are useful in titles
.*[\x{2400}-\x{2426}].* <casesensitive> # Graphic pictures for control codes
.*[\x{2400}-\x{2426}].* <casesensitive> # Graphic pictures for control codes

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