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2,640 bytes added ,  10 July 2023
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メンバーが五人以上いなければ<br />
メンバーが五人以上いなければ<br />
What is the scary part of this story?<br /><br />
Four young men were enjoying a hike up a mountain.<br /><br />
On the way up, the clouds turned dark, and in the <br />
blink of an eye, heavy rain poured down and thunder<br />
rumbled. With no time to descend, the four of them<br />
luckily took shelter in a nearby mountain hut.<br />
There was no one in the hut but the four of them.<br />
As night fell, the thunderstorm showed no sign of<br />
stopping, the temperature dropped, and the four men, <br />
who had come to the mountain wearing relatively light<br />
clothing, sensed the danger of freezing to death if <br />
they continued to sleep.<br /><br />
One of them came up with a great idea. Each of them<br />
would sit at one corner of the hut, and one member<br />
would tap another member's shoulder. The member who<br />
was tapped would then tap another member's shoulder.<br />
They repeated this process to prevent themselves from <br />
falling asleep. The other three agreed, and they <br />
immediately put the plan into action.<br /><br />
In this way, the four of them endured the night<br />
and were able to safely descend under clear skies.<br /><br />
Light Clothing<br />
Sleepiness<br />
Lightning<br />
<font color="red">
Mountain hut<br /><br /></font>
Explanation:<br />
The method they came up with is only possible<br />
if there at least five members.
この話の怖いところはどこ?<br /><br />
この話の怖いところはどこ?<br /><br />
Line 527: Line 557:
この話のキノコは、大量破壊<br />
この話のキノコは、大量破壊<br />
兵器よってできたキノコ雲のこ<br />
兵器よってできたキノコ雲のこ<br />
とを指す。<br />
---<br />
What is the scary part of this story?<br /><br />
The head of state of a certain country was<br />
resting his elbows on his desk, his head in his<br />
hands. He was contemplating how to bring an end<br />
to the war that had erupted with another country,<br />
but lacking a decisive solution, he was unable to<br />
give any conrete orders.<br /><br />
Finally, the head of state picked up the telephone<br />
on the desk and summoned the prime minister to the room.<br />
The prime minister arrived, and without any formalities,<br />
the head of state went straight to the point.<br /><br />
"I am troubled by how to bring an end to the war with <br />
that country. I would like to hear your thoughts."<br /><br />
The prime minister answered with a serious face:<br /><br />
"Let's plant mushrooms throughout the city."<br />
Upon hearing this, the head of state smiled,<br />
dismissed the prime minister, and immediately<br />
set to work. And thus, the war came to an end.<br /><br />
War<br />
Head of state<br />
<font color="red">
Mushrooms<br /></font>
Prime minister<br /><br />
Explanation:<br />
The mushrooms in this story refer to<br />
the mushroom clouds created by<br />
weapons of mass destruction.<br />

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