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'''Offended''' is a [[shock site|shock webpage]] located on the website [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]]. The page was created on the original website on August 17, 2007, by the user Chankachankaboo. Especially offensive pages on the site contain a template titled "Offended" at the top of the page, which attempts to trick the user into viewing the Offended page. This template includes a box displaying a looping GIF of the (((Wikipedia))) logo, [[wikipedia:The Star of David|The Star of David]], [[wikipedia:Ku Klux Klan|the blood drop cross]], and a [[wikipedia:Swastika|swastika]] along with the text "'''Offended?''' If you have been offended by "(article name)", please click here and scroll slowly down to the bottom of the page." which links to the page, the purpose of which is to offend/gross out the viewer as much as possible.
'''Offended''' is a [[shock site|shock webpage]] located on the website [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]]. The page was created on the original website on August 17, 2007, by the user Chankachankaboo. Especially offensive pages on the site contain a template titled "Offended" at the top of the page, which attempts to trick the user into viewing the Offended page. This template includes a box displaying a looping GIF of the (((Wikipedia))) logo, [[wikipedia:The Star of David|The Star of David]], [[wikipedia:Ku Klux Klan|the blood drop cross]], and a [[wikipedia:Swastika|swastika]] along with the text "'''Offended?''' If you have been offended by "(article name)", please click here and scroll slowly down to the bottom of the page." which links to the page, the purpose of which is to offend/gross out the viewer as much as possible.
Alternatively, some articles discussing mass murderes contain a template at the top of the page titled "FED", which looks like this:
Alternatively, some articles discussing serial killers, crime, terrorism, and the FBI contain a template at the top of the page titled "FED", which looks like this:
{|style="background-color: #0000CD; border: 3.5px solid #FFD700; padding: 1px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center"
|BGCOLOR=#00008B| [[File:FBI Seal.png|80px|Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity]]
|style="padding:2px"|<font color=FFFFF0><center><big><b>Does this page cross the line?</b></big></center><center>If you believe {{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}} violates Federal Law, please [[Offended|<span style="color: #FFD700;">click here</span>]] to report it immediately!<br /> <small>''The FBI has offices around the world and can be contacted around the clock, every day of the year.''</small>
In 2012, a template was added to articles relating to Islam titled "OffendedMuslims", which links to a page titled [[Reporting Un-Islamic Content]]:
In 2012, a template was added to articles relating to Islam titled "OffendedMuslims", which links to a page titled [[Reporting Un-Islamic Content]]:
The Offended page begins with a message at the top of the page that reads:
The Offended page begins with a message at the top of the page that reads:



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