PART 16 50 Ways To Pop a Water Balloon

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PART 16 50 Ways To Pop a Water Balloon is a video made by MadShenans made in December 31st 2020, and it's the 16th part of the 50 Ways To Pop a Water Balloon saga, which contains a screamer.

The portion of the screamer is during the "Throw it Up in the Air" segment, where Blake throws a water balloon so high on the air, the music then fades out while Blake wonders when will the water balloon come down, but when a few seconds have passed, the zombie from the K-fee commercials pops up with a santa hat, MLG Glasses and with Snoop Dogg while a voiceover states "Smash the like if you didn't see this coming, Feel free to share this video to trick your friends" while an edited version of the Wii Shop Channel theme plays, then it cuts back to Blake with the Water balloon falling to the ground, and the video continues normally.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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