Osama Bin Laden IS Barack Obama

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Osama Bin Laden IS Barack Obama. 100% Forensic PROOF of Conspiracy is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by VaultOfFear on June 26, 2012, and is the sequel to Chemtrails Ingredients Exposed!.

The video is near identical in structure to the aforementioned screamer; it begins with white text on a black screen that reads "Scientific proof that Obama IS osama bin Laden". It then proceeds to list the pieces of evidence, with pictures intended to support the claims. Taken from the video:

  • Exact same eyes including distance.
  • Near identical finger length + palm lines (thumbs excluded)
  • Similar nose.
  • Same hair + same ear shape + same eye brows.
  • Similar hole in teeth.

Right at the end of the 37th second, while the picture comparing Obama and bin Laden's teeth is being displayed, Pennywise suddenly pops up with a short, high-pitched scream. To end the video, the same notice as the Chemtrails screamer video appears "Now share this video with as many conspiracy nuts as possible and spread the fun."

Showcase video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

  • youtube.com/watch?v=fcYvWgVX9cY
  • Permalink: bit.ly/2AKmVJb



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