Office Shenanigans #1 (COMIC DUB)

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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

Office Shenanigans #1 (COMIC DUB) is a YouTube Shorts video made by JetFlic_ker on September 22nd, 2023. The video is based on an NSFW animation known as "Office Shenanigans" by Mrcbleck.

The video features a cropped segment of the original, where Becky says "we're in public" followed by "you might wanna put that away". Immediately after she stutters "S-sir?", an amplified version of the screamer from the K-fee auto commercial pops up, and repeats five times. The video ends with the text: "Lol! You can't watch this video".

Showcase video



NOTE The following video contains a screamer!

  • Original NSFW Animation: (contains pornographic images)
  • Screamer version:
  • Permalink (screamer version):



Hilarious Username
5 months ago
Score 0
Wow cool another hentai recommendation I mean screamer from Jet Bernal

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