GTA San Andreas: Bear Found?

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GTA San Andreas: Bear Found? is a YouTube screamer video created by Stieben, which plays on the myth of a bear hidden within the game.

The video opens with a green screen and white text, inviting viewers to share their thoughts on a possible bear sighting at the 0:37 mark. The eerie theme from The X-Files sets the tone for what's to come. The video then transitions to gameplay footage from GTA: San Andreas, featuring protagonist Carl Johnson running through the Back OBeyond area. The creator occasionally stops CJ and aims his guns, building suspense. At the 31-second mark, CJ pulls out his camera and zooms in on a rock. Suddenly, at 37 seconds in, a red picture of a hooded demon pops up, accompanied by the heavy metal song Pain by The Berzerker. After around 42 seconds, a message appears on the screen, revealing that viewers have been "punked." The final message appears at 47 seconds, apologizing for any fright caused. The video description warns that this is a screamer video and not for the faint of heart.

Showcase video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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