Folge den roten Punkt

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Not to be confused with Folge dem Punkt

Folge den roten Punkt (German for "Follow the red dot") is a screamer video uploaded to Youtube on February 6, 2016 by YouTube User ili lili. The video is similar to other screamers of its type such as Funny Face or Swearing Baby in which it starts of innocent enough until the man approaches the camera with a demon filter followed by a roaring sound.


Not much is known about the video itself aside from it being a screamer. The same can be said about the channel ili lili which currently only has 3 videos with "Folge Den roten Punkt" being his first and second most viewed video sitting at around 2K views.

The most that can be assumed about the video is that its creator is German as "Folge den roten Punkt" is German for "Follow the red dot." It should be noted that the title of the video has a grammatical error within as the word den should actually be spelled as dem.[1] In other words, the correct version of the title would be "Folge dem roten Punkt."


The video is 11 seconds long and features a man who smacks his lips. He then proceeds to murmur at the camera which makes it difficult to decipher what he is trying to tell the viewer. However, at the 9 second mark, the man thrusts himself towards the camera with a demon filter applied along with a loud roaring noise. After the jumpscare, the video cuts to a black screen, signifying the end of the video.

Showcase Video




NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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