Animaniacs - Valuable Message

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For other screamers named "Subliminal Message" or "Hidden Message", see the Disambiguation Page.

Animaniacs - Valuable Message is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube made by user Wissle on July 22, 2009.

The clip starts with a scene from the ending of the Warner Bros. segment, "Meatballs or Consequences". As the camera pans through the forest, Yakko Warner speaks out a summary of that segment. As soon as he finishes up, a screencap of another character, Dr. Scratchansniff, posing similar to that of the painting The Scream by Edvard Munch, appears with a scream from the show's episode "De-Zanitized/The Monkey Song/Nighty-Night Toon", ending the video with the heart beating sound from K-fee commercials.

Showcase video



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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