1993 F.H.E. logo in G-Major

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This page is about a screamer or shock site, whose original copy has been deleted.
This screamer's original copy is deleted, but the article links to an archive on the Wayback Machine or another saved copy.

1993 F.H.E. logo in G-Major was a screamer video made by YouTube user Patch93 (Joshua Schaferhund) on September 25, 2009. As of 2017, the video is now private, but there are still copies of it.

The video starts with a G-Major version of the 1991 Family Home Entertainment logo with warp and distorted effects applied to it, and the video freezes when the logo is complete. However, after 14 seconds, a spinning picture of a clown mask pops up along with the same scream from Hey Arnold Subliminal Message Laughing Grandpa, also in G-Major.

Showcase video



NOTE: This following video contains a screamer!

  • Original: youtube.com/watch?v=aRv9p6VNfHk
  • Reuploaded: youtube.com/watch?v=kohV3vMKBjE
  • Atekuro Remake: youtube.com/watch?v=aGdzNJPZ2x8
  • Permalink: bit.ly/2HRT6Jx



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