10 Things You Should NOT Do in a Library..
10 Things You Should NOT Do in a Library.. is a video made by popular YouTuber Guava Juice on April 27th, 2019 that contains a screamer.
The screamer portion of the video is during the "Don't Play Hide and Seek" segment. It begins with Roi asking the librarian if she wants to play hide and seek, she shushes him to be quiet. Roi then asks the question again, but this time whispered, and the librarian says she's should he'd never ask her. Roi then goes to hide, and the librarian starts to count. Then she says the "Ready or not, here I come" part, but before the librarian says "Come", the head of the Book Mom seen throughout the video appears with the eyes of Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist with glitchy static in the background, along with the same scream from The Maze. Then the video continues like normal.
See also
NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!
- youtube.com/watch?v=YPqy_utnxFs
- Permalink: bit.ly/42yfxOC