Scary Halloween Pop-Up

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Scary Halloween Pop-Up is a screamer video created and uploaded to YouTube on October 15, 2012, by a user named Baba Ghanoush.

The video begins with a few texts popping up, the first one says "Scary Halloween Pop-Up", the second one says "a CrazyWebkinz9 Production", and the final text then says "Stare Hard At This Screen" as it's prompting the viewer to stare at an image, it then changes to an image of a cute puppy along with a "Aaaawwww" sound effect, a voice then plays and says "Aw that's not so scary" until a close up image of a dog with sharp teeth pops up along with a scream from the game Mortal Kombat 2 that was also used in Where's Waldo?, the video then ends with a text saying "Happy Halloween!".

Showcase video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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