
How to access closed PlayStation Home beta

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 12:32, 16 April 2024 by LuaGunsX (talk | contribs)

How to access closed PlayStation Home beta is a screamer uploaded to YouTube by user AdvisoryProductions under the name of "HowToGetHomeBeta".

The video starts off with a caption saying "PlayStation Home... We all want it." behind the PlayStation Home logo. The caption changes to how the creator did not receive their beta code for the closed beta test of PlayStation Home. It then changes to saying the video is a step by step guide of how to trick Sony's account management into thinking the viewer has access.

The background changes to the old PlayStation Network logo with it now saying that the viewer has to sign into their PlayStation Underground account and to link their PlayStation Network with it, with the background changing to the PlayStation 3 XMB. Shortly after, the background changes to a man named Jack Tretton.

The background is then restored to the PlayStation Home logo saying that the creator would use another PlayStation Network account to avoid the risk of their account being banned. The background changes to a chart showing how many people signed into PlayStation Network with it saying to go to the Account Management screen under PlayStation Network.

The caption then changes again to go to Transaction Management, and go to "Redeem PLAYSTATION Network promotion code". The caption then changes to enter information in Network Settings and to edit their IP address and to enable proxy server, with the caption then changing and saying to edit their IP address to 000 XXX 000x.

The caption finally changes and says for the viewer to go back to "Redeem PLAYSTATION Network promotion code" and to enter their first four digits of the PlayStation 3's serial number in all caps. However, right as it says to enter the next thing, an inverted face from What's Wrong pops up and slowly flashes with a loud scream. The caption now has a black background behind it with it saying "Home Fucking Beta. You're never getting in!", ending the video.


NOTE: The following YouTube video contains a screamer!

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