From Screamer Wiki

- The Screamer Wiki Discord server hits 1,000 members.
- Currently, no interesting news are yet to be announced this month. You should just wait for the wiki's 10th anniversary to happen instead!
- A lost South Korean screamer Ghost.exe (pictured) was found.
- The man behind the 1 Bitch 9 Pups was revealed to be Australian zoologist Adam Britton.
- Trolling organization GNAA created their own version of Kekma.net.
- ScaryAndFun.com returns.
- Encyclopedia Dramatica's Offended page officially gets blocked due to it containing obscene animal abuse content.
- BlueMaxima retires from working on his program Flashpoint. Flashpoint is still being maintained by others.
- The location for K-fee auto was found by @georainbolt on Twitter.