

User:Screamer1234/How To Not Make An Article

From Screamer Wiki

Kiddoface: ohOhOhohOHoHOHOHOhoHOhoHOH SCREaMerWiKi1234 HoW DArE YOu moCK baD gRAMmAr THAT'S It STOP THaT rigHT noW or YoU'Re grOUndED groUndED GROUNded GrOunDed 87345985743659874236523487524654897562565326565665656535464536523245634566666666666666666666 Years, go to SlEEP ANd DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Screamer1234: STFU PUSSY!!!!!!!!!

NOTE: This is only an example of how not to make pages. A Screamer/Shock site mentioned isn't real. the following article contains usage of the fucked up slurs. however, if you're easily offended or not, You should not visit this page, This page is getting random to make!! lol is a screamer/shock site/website made by this pussy Jeremy Retarded Fat Fuck Nigger Faggot Bitchass Gucci Rsbbit336 Nigger Faggot909.

The video starts with a stupid whore (Faggot motherfucker) having sex with victim card pussies, has hate boners of them, and makes tantrum videos. But at 9,999,999, a picture of a big pile of pink black cock piece of shit a.k.a George Floyd pops up along with a "FUCK KAT MCSNATCH, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERBAN01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERBITCH01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERFUCK01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERPEDO01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERSHIT01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERPEDOPHILE01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERGLITTER01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERKELLY01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERHEARD01, FUCK BEING CALLED BENDERSAVILE01, FUCK BEING CALLED FUCKING BENDEREPSTEIN01!!!"


NOTE: The following link contains a fuckboy!




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