Ahenobarbus Henocied
From Screamer Wiki
Ahenobarbus Henocied is a Creepypasta character that also shows with a face poured in blood that used as a screamer image in some several categories, but it's created a Facebook Account that also includes cryptic messages linked to many acts of pure evil, alleged acts include, seeking out children on social media and bombarding them with horrific images of torment and torture.
It also made messages with strange Latin and Russian coded messages, along with cryptic coordinates. The user is also known for targeting minors and sending content as described by as the following above. It also begins with the art profile picture of the member of the Ku Klux Klan or even a non-human being, but the proofs that provide really do not have much validity.
Meanwhile, Ahenobarbus Henocied could be the next macabre fashion of internet and become focus of legends, while it shows one off guard the most perverse things that can be found there. With respect to his unknown identity, do you think possible to affirm that it is not a person. The Facebook account that has sent illegal photos and strange coordinates to multiple people. The disturbing sound effect where it begins that he says "HI DUDE" that contained a audio file. that includes a picture of "Gurgles and Bugman". The images that contains graphic content from Facebook that it was sent by the FBI, taking down the Facebook Profile that contains child pornography. that contains Latin and Russian coded message that it also reads: "21 49 00.47 s 114 09 57.94 E SATINAMU SINIF".
The troll account has been getting deleted from Facebook due to the lack of child pornography and shocking content. A small search allows to us to realize that coordinates that he usually sends coincide with critical points of the Haarp project of the U.S. Government. Likewise, videos that sends are classics of the dark side of the internet that involved very heavy violence videos, pornography or similar.
Origin of the picture
The picture, as mentioned before, was a photoshopped version of a Japanese ichimatsu doll with big bloodshot eyes and a bloodied mouth. Before the picture had it's major debut to the japanese internet culture, it was first used as a chain letter that would say "この画像を1時間以内にほかの掲示板に①個貼らないと年末に恐ろしいことがおこります。画像を貼らずに亡くなった人も本当にいます" (If you don't send this image on another imageboard within one hour, something terrible will happen at the end of the year. There are also people who died because they didn't send this picture.). Japanese netizens claim that the image began to circulate on the internet in mid-2004 when imageboards such as 2ch started to grow even more after the infamous Neomugi Incident happened. However, it was only recognized when a 2ch anonymous user made a thread in 2007 saying "この子すごい怖いんだがお前らの力で何とかかわいくさせてやってくれ" (This dude is scary as fuck so you guys have to somehow use your power to try to make it look cute!), and then the thread started to be filled with the same picture but edited and over-shopped to make it look cuter.
The image became a huge meme in Japan that every time japanese netizens see it they say またお前かよ (You again?) or い つ も の (The. Same. As. Always.), implying that the picture became too overused that they don't want to see it anymore.
Further Reading
- bizarretranslator2016.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-dark-side-of-facebook-ahenobarbus-henocied-profile-haarp-project-macabre-fashion-charlie-charlie-gore-files-social-networks.html
- dic.pixiv.net/a/かわいくさせて — Information on the original picture.
NOTE: The following picture can be scary for younger audiences!
- 2.bp.blogspot.com/-lRrvikLIah4/V6P_AlmFn7I/AAAAAAAAA0w/F3RgofOg0Kc-t6wmW-0A-Jlxh0ltLnL9gCEw/s1600/Ahenobarbus%2BHenocied%2Bbizarre%2Btranslator.jpg