
Screamer Wiki

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 16:57, 31 July 2015 by wikia>HLDK (Made page smaller)

Welcome to ScreamerChecker.

ScreamerChecker Wiki is a website where you can easily check if a website is a screamer or not. Simply search for the page and the website will tell you if it is a screamer or not. It will also show a description of the screamer (No images or sound!).

If the website you are looking for is not on the website, it is because we have not registered the website as a screamer yet, or the website is screamer free. 

On this wiki, you will find information about every screamer ever made, like the famous Maze Game, the series of K-fee ads, and a whole lot more. You are welcome to contribute to this wiki, as long as you follow the rules. Thank you for visiting! 


I've found a screamer site and want to share it on this wiki.

REMEMBER: Do not write anything before reading the RULES!

To write anything you must make a new page. To make a new page you must press the  button in the upper right corner of the Wiki and choose "Add Page". Give the page the same name as the screamer site, for example "". Now you can write your page, but remember to read the rules first!

Where do I start?