
Cute Dog + Cool Song

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 20:36, 1 March 2023 by Jerhan2010 (talk | contribs)

Cute Dog + Cool Song is a screamer video that was uploaded to YouTube by a user AdvisoryProductions on September 4th, 2008, the creator is also behind the Why PS3 Is The Best System Out There video.

As what the title promises, the video displays a picture of a cute Dog puppy to a song called: "Get It Together" by The Go! Team, However, the viewer might be expecting something worse after 50 seconds: The screamer Getting Rickrolled, it then returns back to the picture and the creator stated that there is something on the dog's eye, supposedly leading the viewer to stare at it, However, the actual screamer then appears: a picture of Regan MacNeil with no eyes from The Exorcist appears along with a loud scream.


NOTE: the following video contains a screamer!

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