Mensaje subliminal en naruto 100 real.

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mensaje subliminal en naruto 100% real. is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by a user Sayel Perez Valdez on October 28, 2012. 

The video asks the viewer to find the subliminal message on the following image depicting the main cast from Naruto, a few seconds later, the creator provides a clue by circling out the difference, and they have to see the circles, After a short second, a text appears stating that if the viewer can't understand what's going on, they have to make it more detailed,

After the text fades out, the video then returns back to the image, However, after a few seconds, a picture of Regan MacNeil appears laong with a loud scream, before a text appears: "wow, that naruto and his submininal messages XDDD"


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!




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