Shock site
A shock site are websites that contains of uses disturbing imagery, involving: pornography, gore, and graphic content, to shock the viewer(s). shock sites have a complete goal to shock the viewer(s) with unexpected content. Some good examples of shock sites are like the infamous 2 Girls 1 Cup, Jarsquatter, and Goatse. These websites have gained lots of high level popularity and are often used as a way to prank people between under the age of 18s.
Bait and Switch

Shock sites has slowly started to spread around across the web by the following late 90's. The first shock site to be widely spread across the web called 2 Girls 1 Cup. The one-minute clip shows two women performing a scat play made a huge success in Brazil. Since then, more shock sites are commonly made surface on the Internet.

Shock sites made have between surface on the web, more some reaction videos were being posted and eventually became a trend on the Internet. The concept of an reaction video is to get someone to visit a shock site while recording their reaction. A good example of this is the Marines 2 Girls 1 Cup Reactions video, which has accumulated almost 10 million views since it was posted to YouTube on April 2nd, 2008.