
WGBH Boston Logo In G Major

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 13:38, 5 November 2022 by Tankmanfan44 (talk | contribs)

This page is about a screamer or shock site, whose original copy has been deleted.
This screamer's original copy is deleted, but the article links to an archive on the Wayback Machine or another saved copy.

WGBH Boston Logo In G Major was a screamer video made by YouTube user Patch93 on March 25, 2010.

The video contains an edited clip of the 1978 WGBH logo to make it look G-Major theme, a zoom-in picture of a demon mask edited in to appear as soon as the logo zooms in, along with an extremely, loud scream (the same one used in "Gold Feature Presentation Logo in G-Major"). As of 2017, the video is now private along with his 1993 F.H.E. logo in G-Major video, there are so many copies of this screamer that still exist.


NOTE: The following videos contains a screamer!

  • Reuploaded:


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