User talk:SkyBlueCat

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Revision as of 13:21, 5 December 2021 by Tankmanfan44 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 101744 by Epicgamermoment (talk))
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Regarding readability issues in the Manual of Style

Hello! Sorry if I'm bothering you or anything of that sort, but I couldn't help but notice a lot of grammatical and wording-related issues in the Manual of Style. I simply wanted to suggest having someone clean the article up a little bit, considering it is THE Manual of Style and it's what all users planning to edit articles have to work with.

I wanted to note a few certain issues with the article, so please bear with me:

  • The actual paragraph about readability in its topic manages to score a whopping 22 points on the exact readability test, which is more than twice as much as it should be.
  • The "Uses Correct Templates" part of the article is very clumsily written. Even the heading is wrong in terms of grammar. That part could probably use a rewrite.
  • This isn't in terms of grammar, but I don't really like the example used for humour in the humour related section as it's pretty limited. You could take inspiration from TVTropes or elsewhere. The entire section could also be a bit longer. This is just a nitpick, so it isn't too important.
  • There are a bunch of strange choices in terms of grammar that I'm not really able to list, so I'll simply list all of the sections that have any more minor issues in them: "Passive and Active Voices", "Attributing the Creator", "Showcase Videos", "Infobox" (probably the most major, considering it's an important section).

Sorry for the wall of text, but I thought it was important to note. It just seems counter-intuitive because it frankly looks like the Manual of Style isn't following itself. All due respect to the editors, though.

Cheers! --TimeWarp (talk) 7:21, 4 June 2021 (UTC)

Ok, will unprotect the page. --SkyBlueCat (talk) 06:59, 5 June 2021 (UTC)

About removing my edits in

Eu não estou entendendo. Eu notei que você retirou no que eu acrescentei em I HATE YOU.EXE sobre a versão hack rom que não possui screamer, principalmente o link para o Download. Mas existem artigos screamers que mostra versão "não screamer" abaixo do screamer principal, por que isso?

I do not understand. I noticed that you removed what I added in I HATE YOU.EXE about the hack rom version that doesn't have screamer, especially the download link. But there are screamers articles that show "non screamer" version below the main screamer, why is that? Dragomaniaco (talk) 12:37, 8 June 2021 (UTC)

ROM Version is unofficial. (versions that are not created by the creator himself shouldn't be on the article itself.) --SkyBlueCat (talk) 06:14, 9 June 2021 (UTC)
If it's to remove unofficial screamers, it would also include several YouTube videos that take screamer from other creators or even other sites, steal scenes from other random videos, blatantly making it an original video, just being a copy, like this one which is an SCP-450 screamer. Dragomaniaco (talk) 02:18, 16 June 2021 (UTC)
Personality Scan is to be similar to Scan Analysis, but the article itself is not mentioned in the original, and the screamer segment is not even taken from SCP-450 (expect for the scream), i took the earrape version of the scream from Maignofe's video El Rubi Maldito, regardless, promoting one's unofficial screamers would be removed, like Timetunes secretly promotes his Kfee-type screamer in the K-fee commercials article, it has been around the years until me removes it, if you want an article for ROM version or anything unofficial you can add a subpage for the article (e.g: I HATE YOU.exe/ROM Version), thus fixing the problem in case.
Wow, really here it's been working a lot even in the articles. Sorry for any conflict of mine and thank you for your idea. I've always followed this wiki since Fandom, so I never fall again (at least not by surprise) by any screamer created, whether from games, or from troll videos created, besides revealing every disgusting site that of course I will NEVER join in them. Dragomaniaco (talk) 02:55, 25 June 2021 (UTC)

How come tabs doesn't edit here as much?

Isn't this where he got his start? -User:Wyyzhammer 40k 10:51 6 September 2021

None of your business, fuck off Viril --  Conciërge Kapitein-Commandant Tabs æ 17:04, 6 September 2021 (UTC)


Read This message I left here: --Tankman fan 44 (talk) 15:45, 30 October 2021 (UTC)

What's this supposed to be?


Are you trying to be funny or something? --Tankman fan 44 (talk) 01:57, 6 November 2021 (UTC)

It was for discord emojis. --SkyBlueCat (talk) 02:22, 6 November 2021 (UTC)


You literally reverted my edit for removing clickable links to pages with scary images, why? --Tankman fan 44 (talk) 15:02, 3 December 2021 (UTC)

That would break up the wiki markup. --SkyBlueCat (talk) 02:28, 4 December 2021 (UTC)