
Monkey Sugar

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Revision as of 22:40, 30 September 2020 by Lawiki (talk | contribs)

Monkey Sugar is a shock site based around a flash animation. Upon starting, the shock site shows a black background along with some green text, and a robotic female voice (probably Microsoft Mary) explaining the meaning of the term Monkey sugar.

The text that appears before showing disgusting/gruesome images.

She starts saying that monkey sugar is "Anything that makes one physically satisfied. By extension, anything good or desirable."; once she finishes speaking this, the text changes to the next part, and she continues: "The following are examples of things which are most certainly NOT monkey sugar...". Approximately 4 seconds after this, a shocking image of a damaged head appears, followed by other disturbing images including:

  • A vagina with thumbtacks in it.
  • What appears to be a disembodied penis or intestine.
  • Damaged anuses.
  • Someone sticking their arms into a vagina.
  • A mutilated penis with a tube in it.
  • Aborted fetuses.
  • A half-burned baby.
  • A baby with a giant red eye.
  • A harlequin fetus.
  • A cat getting experimented on.
  • A man with a fleshy ball on an intestine dangling from his legs.
  • A man with half of his face missing.
  • A nipple nailed to a table.
  • A tattoo.
  • A faceless corpse.
  • Flayed testicles.
  • A woman spreading her anus and vagina.
  • Mutilated penises and groinal areas.
  • A man with part of his face blown off.
  • A woman eating feces from another person's anus.
  • Molten heads.
  • Molten legs.
  • Mutilated corpses.
  • A split-open hand.
  • The Pillsbury Doughboy seeing a woman cooking what appear to be his species.
  • A partially-skinned lower body.
  • an image.
  • A hand in a meat grinder.
  • A split-open neck.
  • A man with a handle in his eye.
  • A severed head on a plate.
  • A man lying in blood with a cloth in his mouth.
  • A vagina with scissors in it.
  • An eye.
  • Severed legs.
  • Giant testicles.
  • Mutilated body parts.
  • A man with a hole in his chest.
  • A strange-looking egg.
  • A tied-up man.
  • A man with his nipples attached to a table.
  • Two fleshy balls.
  • Severed legs in a box.
  • Two severed heads kissing.
  • More mutilated corpses.

It is not known exactly if this site aims to be a shock site as an animation, because it can even insinuate black comedy, considering the way the images are presented, and the music.

CENSORED: Monkey Sugar


The TTS voice that plays at the beginning of the slideshow.

The African music that plays during the slideshow.


NOTE: The following website contains extremely graphic images



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