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{{Infobox Shock Site
|title = Last Measure
|title = pikachu.exe
|image = Last Measure Logo.png
|image = Pica.jpg
|imagecaption = The site to end all sites, R.I.P computers...
|maker = Junya Uchino
|maker = GNAA
|type = Application File
|type = Shock site
|date = 2000
|date = 2003
[[File:Last Measure Banner.jpeg|thumb|right|300px|The Last Measure banner.]]
'''Ghost.exe''', also known as '''pikachu.exe''', '''pica.exe''', or '''Scary Pikachu''', was a [[screamer]] program made by Junya Uchino around 2000. It was hosted on many sites, and was later hosted on, a site that hosted many screamer applications including [[Monster.exe]], around 2002.
'''Last Measure''' was a [[shock site]] created in 2003 by Penisbird, a member of the internet trolling group [[Wikipedia:Gay Nigger Association of America|Gay Nigger Association of America]] (GNAA).

Many variants of Last Measure exist, as the source code for several different versions was made available for download.
== Content ==
Upon opening the application, the user is greeted with a title screen with the text "Pokemon Island Adventure" and a rapid cycle of Pokémon images. Text in the lower left of the screen read "Please turn on your speaker for dynamic sound effect within the game".

== History ==
When the user clicked on the title screen, a voice clip of Pikachu saying "Pikachu!" played, and the screen started to flash white. The screen faded to black, and then a full-screen, GIF of a blue-tinted ghost making a pawing motion, known as Hong Kong Grandmother Ghost (홍콩할매귀신)<ref>An urban legend in Korea. She was said to be an old Korean lady who loved her cat. She took a flight to Hong Kong with her cat, but the plane crashed and both died. Her love for the cat was so strong that their ghosts merged, and so her face is half-cat and half-human. She was said to attack children who were out after sunset.</ref> appeared, accompanied by ghostly speech.
An early version of Last Measure was conceived by Penisbird after playing with an [[wikipedia:AIM_(software)|AOL Instant Messenger]] (AIM) utility called AIM Invader, which provided a variety of ways to crash AIM clients.<ref name=":0"><nowiki></nowiki></ref>

The most powerful crash was the "last measure" crash, which inundated an AIM client with file transfer requests, [[wikipedia:Contact_list|buddy list]] sends, and messages full of smileys and colors, until the AIM client crashed due to lack of [[wikipedia:Random-access_memory|RAM]].<ref name=":0" />
<font color="yellow"><u>NOTE</u>: the following program contains a [[screamer]] with flashing lights!</font>
* (Macromedia Flash 4.0 projector comes bundled with the screamer itself)
Last Measure displayed pooped.jpg<ref name=":1">A picture of a woman's face with feces on it, which originates from</ref> upon immediately entering the website. It set [[Goatse]] as the page's background. and opened numerous [[wikipedia:Web_browser|browser]] windows via a [[wikipedia:JavaScript|JavaScript]] function called procreate containing either [[Pillowfight]], [[|Penisbird]], [[Tubgirl]], or [[Lemon Party]]. It then used a function called playBall to move the windows around the screen. The page embedded a looping audio file called fsckyou.wav.mp3,<ref>A reference to [[wikipedia:Fsck|fsck]], a [[wikipedia:Unix|Unix]] utility that checks the [[wikipedia:File System|file system]] for damage.</ref> which was a sample of a man screaming "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!".
* '''Showcase:'''
The text "GNAA > j00<ref>The spelling for "you" in [[wikipedia:Leet|leetspeak]].</ref> fristage postage<ref>"fristage postage" is a reference to [[wikipedia:First_post|first post]], an Internet meme written by an internet user to indicate their discovery of an until-then uncommented entry.</ref> is mine" appeared at the top of the page. Below was the text "Lastmeasure last measure last-measure nero institute", which may have been an attempt to get the page listed under [[wikipedia:Google_Search|Google]]. The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae [sic]<ref>This typo is corrected in later versions. </ref> leave immediately", which is a reference to the text on the front page of [[]]. If the user pressed Alt+F4, the Ctrl key, or the Del key, the page displayed an alert containing the same text as the page title.
The page also had a button with the text "CLICK ME", which utilized the onmouseover<ref>Occurs when the cursor enters an element.</ref> and onclick<ref>Occurs when the user clicks on an element.</ref> events to call on the procreate and playBall functions to spawn more windows. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page utilized the onunload<ref>Occurs when the user navigates away from the page, such as by clicking a link or closing the browser window.</ref> event to spawn even more.

Last Measure additionally checked if the browser was [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer|Microsoft Internet Explorer]], and if the version of Internet Explorer was greater than or equal to 4. If both conditions were met, it saved the page URL as a bookmark titled “Idiot!”.
==Version 3.4.1==
[[Category:Other makers]]
Last Measure Version 3.4.1 introduced several developments not found in the original mirror. The complete image list was Christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2">A picture of a person stretching her anus to [[Goatse]] proportions with a table clamp.</ref> [[Lemon Party]],  [[|Penisbird]],<ref>The image is called ouch.jpg. but the [[wikipedia:PHP|PHP]] file is called penisbird.php.</ref> [[Pillowfight]], [[Tubgirl]], [[spin.gif]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3">A picture of a naked female body builder.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4">A picture depicting Rusty's wife (rusty of [[wikipedia:Kuro5hin|Kuro5hin]], a popular [[wikipedia:Slashdot|Slashdot]]-like site). Her face is photoshopped onto a picture of a naked white woman having sex with a black man with a large penis.</ref> Loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5">A picture of a man looping his penis into his anus from [[]].</ref> and eww.jpg.<ref>A picture of a young girl, with two naked people in the background, with one of them exposing his buttocks. The text "The Fuck What?!" in red is visible, with the man's naked buttocks circled in red.</ref> Instead of embedding an [[wikipedia:MP3|MP3]] to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio sample, it embedded a [[Adobe Flash Player|Flash]] file called hey.swf.
[[Category:Other scary images]]
The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, please leave immediately" and pressing Alt+F4 or the Ctrl key spawned an alert message with the same text. However, if the user pressed the Del key, it spawned an alert message containing credits:
Bob Goatse
Rusty's Wife
What the fuck? That guy's ass is showing in his baby's picture!
Additional (actually fucking working in v3.2) popup-blocker-busting by goat-see
hey.swf by rkz
Version 3.4.1 contained the same "GNAA > j00 fristage postage is mine" and "Lastmeasure last measure last-measure nero institute" text found in the original mirror. However, it utilized a more elaborate [[wikipedia:Web_browser|browser]] checking protocol. Not only did it check if the browser was Internet Explorer and the version is greater than or equal to 4, it also checked if the browser was [[wikipedia:Netscape_Navigator|Netscape Navigator]] and if it was version 4, and checks if the browser was a [[wikipedia:Gecko_(software)|Gecko]]-based browser such as [[wikipedia:Firefox|Firefox]]. It additionally checked if the user's [[wikipedia:Operating_system|operating system]] is [[wikipedia:MacOS|macOS]].
The procreate function in Version 3.4.1 served the same purpose of opening windows, but it only opened windows if the browser was Internet Explorer and randomly selected which shock image to display in the new window. The playBall function in Version 3.4.1 was largely unchanged, except that it lacked an [[wikipedia:Conditional_(computer_programming)|if statement]] found in the original mirror.
The page utilized the onfocus,<ref>Occurs when an element gets focus.</ref> onblur,<ref>Occurs when an element loses focus.</ref> onmousemove,<ref>Occurs when the cursor moves over an element.</ref> onload,<ref>Occurs when an object has been loaded.</ref> onkeydown,<ref>Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.</ref> and onunload events to open procreator.php in modeless dialog boxes.<ref>Modeless dialog boxes permit the user to interact with it while still being able to interact with other parts of the webpage or application, meaning that the user can move it around, click on other buttons or links, or perform other actions simultaneously. Modeless dialog boxes are unlike modal dialog boxes, which requires users to interact with it before they can continue interacting with other parts of the webpage or application.</ref> The page also had a large button labeled CLICK ME with pooped.jpg as the background, which made use of the onmouseover, onclick, and onmouseout<ref>Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.</ref> events to launch modeless dialog boxes containing procreator.php.
Procreator.php executed the same payloads as the main page: spawning the alert and credits messages when specific keys are pressed, the browser and operating system checking protocol, and the procreate and playBall functions. The procreator.php file also contained the following text in first-level header tags: <pre>
GNAA > j00
Fristage Postage is MINE.
fucking nigger operating system.. at least in fucking Firebird you odn't have to do this shit.
</pre>Version 3.4.1's source code contained a string of text related to the development of the anti-popup blocker functionality:<pre>
let's figure out what the fuck kind of browser the poor plebs are using :(
MSIE gets a special kind of last measure where I start off with a
ModelessDialog and pop up from it. Gets around google toolbar. -- goat-see */
</pre>The procreate function contained another code comment from goat-see:
fuck procreating like rabbits -- goat-see
There was another string of text in the source code that reads "If you have a screen larger than this i'll eat my own shit. - this button shit is +1 insightful.". It was not rendered as visible text on the page as it was not enclosed within any HTML tags or any visual elements.
== Version 4.1 ==
Version 4.1 used the same image list<ref>PenisBird is replaced with the [[wikipedia:GIF|GIF]] version that depicts the macaw masturbating the penis until ejaculation.</ref> and hey.swf file as 3.4.1, but introduced several new developments. The title of the page was "GNAA Last Measure v4.1 by Rucas with Armorfist's PopupByPasser Mod.". The function that opened windows was renamed shellscript, and the function that moved windows around was renamed movew0w. In contrast to previous versions that used basic [[wikipedia:Arithmetic|arithmetical]] calculations, movew0w used [[wikipedia:Trigonometry|trigonometric]] calculations to determine the window position. The page embedded two [[Adobe Flash Player|Flash]] files, first_opener.swf and second_opener.swf, which opened windows.
It checked whether the user's operating system was [[wikipedia:Microsoft_Windows|Windows]], [[wikipedia:MacOS|macOS]], [[wikipedia:Linux|Linux]], [[wikipedia:OS/2|OS/2]], or [[wikipedia:BeOS|BeOS]]. It also specifically checked if the user's [[wikipedia:Web_browser|browser]] was either [[wikipedia:Opera_(web_browser)|Opera]], [[wikipedia:MSN_TV|WebTV]], [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer|Internet Explorer]], [[wikipedia:NetPositive|NetPositive]], [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer_Mobile|MS Pocket Internet Explorer]], [[wikipedia:Galeon|Galeon]], [[wikipedia:Konqueror|Konqueror]], [[wikipedia:ICab|iCab]], [[wikipedia:OmniWeb|OmniWeb]], Phoenix,<ref>The initial code name for [[wikipedia:Firefox|Firefox]]. </ref> Firebird<ref>The replacement name for Phoenix, due to a trademark claim from [[wikipedia:Phoenix_Technologies|Phoenix Technologies]].</ref>, [[wikipedia:Firefox|Firefox]],<ref>The replacement name for Firebird, due to pressure from the [[wikipedia:Firebird_(database_server)|Firebird]] database software project.</ref> Mozilla,<ref>Refers to the original codebase of the [[wikipedia:Netscape_Navigator|Netscape Navigator]] web browser, which was eventually rewritten and evolved into [[wikipedia:Firefox|Mozilla Firefox]].</ref> [[wikipedia:Lynx_(web_browser)|Lynx]], [[wikipedia:Amaya_(web_editor)|Amaya]], [[wikipedia:Safari_(web_browser)|Safari]], [[wikipedia:Netscape_(web_browser)|Netscape]], or [[wikipedia:AOL_Explorer|AOL Browser]].
One notable feature of Version 4.1 was that it retrieved and submitted the user's [[wikipedia:Clipboard_(computing)|clipboard]] data to a hidden form. It also collected other various user data and utilized a [[wikipedia:PHP|PHP]] script called StatsMeasure to compile it into a table. The table contained the following data:
*ID: The unique identifier of each visit.
*Time: The date and time of the visit.
*Host: [[wikipedia:Hostname|Hostname]], [[wikipedia:IP_address|IP address]], and [[wikipedia:Port_(computer_networking)|port number]] of the visitor.
*Browser: The visitor's browser information.
*Referrer: The website that referred the visitor to the current page.
*User: The string appended to the end of the URL so that a user can track how many times a victim has clicked their link.
*Clipboard: The content of the [[wikipedia:Clipboard_(computing)|clipboard]].
==Last Measure Unified X==
Last Measure Unified X contained a long slew of keywords in its [[wikipedia:Metadata|metadata]] and on the main page itself, which may have been an attempt to get the page listed under [[wikipedia:Google_Search|Google]]. It utilized the browser checking protocol from Version 3.4.1. The title of the page was "GNAA Last Measure Unified X". Pressing the Alt+F4 or Ctrl key spawned an alert with the text "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, please leave immediately". However, pressing the Del key spawned an alert message containing credits that read: <pre>
Bob Goatse
Rusty's Wife
What the fuck? That guy's ass is showing in his baby's picture!
Total, complete, all-versions, popup blocker bashing-to-pieces by goat-see
hey.swf by rkz
Updated by sam, Jmax, JacksonBrown, Dessimat0r, timecop, and others.
</pre>The full shock image list was [[|penisbird.gif]], [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|awesome.jpg]], [[Hello.jpg|Goatse]], [[Hai2u|hotblowjob.jpg]], zoidberg.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Motorcycle" image, which is likely a photo of an attempted shotgun suicide.</ref> [[Tubgirl]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin1.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain2.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin2.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain3.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin3.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain4.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain5.jpg]], stretch.jpg,<ref>An image of a person stretching their anus, similar to [[Goatse]].</ref> stopracism.jpg,<ref>An image of a white man and a black man engaging in anal sex.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4" /> pooped.jpg,<ref name=":1" /> [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain.jpg]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3" /> [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|Untitled.jpg]], [[Pillowfight]], loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5" /> [[Lemon Party]], christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2" /> weightlifter.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Weightlifter" image, which depicts a man squatting with a rectal prolapse.</ref> and [[spin.gif]]. Similar to versions 3.4.1 and 4.1, it embedded hey.swf to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" sample. The image list also included 16 [[wikipedia:WAV|WAV]] files of various GNAA members reciting "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!".[[File:UnifiedX Stats.png|thumb|The stats table generated by Unified X.]]The movew0w function returned in Unified X, but the shellscript function was renamed back to procreate. Windows spawned by procreate contained the text "GNAA Gay Niggers Timecop". The main page utilized the onload, onmousemove, onmouseover, and onkeydown events to call on the procreate and movew0w functions. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page would utilize the onunload event to call upon those same functions.
Unified X introduced a function named ruin which calls an [[wikipedia:Infinite_loop|infinite loop]] in an attempt to freeze the browser. It also made various outbound connections. The site attempted to connect to the GNAA and [[wikipedia:EFnet|EFnet]] [[wikipedia:Internet_Relay_Chat|IRC]] servers, attempted to access the alt.flame.niggers and alt.flame.faggots [[wikipedia:Usenet_newsgroup|Usenet newsgroups]], and used rlogin and telnet<ref>rlogin and telnet are remote login protocols used to establish a login session on a remote computer over a network. telnet allows the user to pass [[wikipedia:Environment_variable|environment variables]] as parameters, while rlogin does not. rlogin allows the user to automatically connect, while telnet requires verification for each connection. Both rlogin and telnet transmit data in [[wikipedia:Plain_text|plain text]], making intercepted information easily readable. Due to security vulnerabilities and the availability of more secure protocols, rlogin and telnet are no longer widely used in modern networking environments.</ref> to attempt to connect to a remote address. It also contained a callto hyperlink to dial JOIN_THE_GNAA__2005_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE, and opened up the computer’s default [[wikipedia:Email_client|email client]] to compose a message to the email address JOIN@THE.GNAA with "2006_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE" as the subject and "" as the body.
Additionally, it opened up [[wikipedia:AIM_(software)|AOL Instant Messenger]] to send a message to the user "Gary_Niger" with the body "HY LOL HY LOL", and attempted to add the screennames HY, LOL, HY, LOL, HY, LOL, join, the, gnaa, 2006, RECRUITMENT, DRIVE, heartiez2incog to the AIM [[wikipedia:Contact_list|buddy list]].
The page also downloaded three files. Two of these files were "jews.wmv" and "lm.pdf". The [[wikipedia:Windows_Media_Video|WMV]] did not play or function in any way, and the [[wikipedia:PDF|PDF]] file was a redirect to Last Measure. It also attempted to download "[[wikipedia:Gayniggers_from_Outer_Space|Gayniggers From Outer Space]] [GNAA Digitally Remastered].avi" from an [[wikipedia:EDonkey_network|eDonkey]] file-sharing network.
Similar to Version 4.1, Unified X collected various user information and compiled it into a table using StatsMeasure. Users could get their name added to the "count" table by appending "?u=yourname" to the end of the URL.<ref name=":6"><nowiki></nowiki></ref> It also introduced LMX Live Stats, which which tracked the number of times a user was redirected.<ref></ref>
==Last Measure Live==
Last Measure Live is the current version of Last Measure. It is very similar to Unified X, but there are several new developments.  [[ screenshot.jpg|thumb|Last Measure Live attempting to access alt.flame.faggots, but failing due to insufficient memory.]]It adds more [[wikipedia:WAV|WAV]] files of various GNAA members reciting "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!", bringing the total number of clips up to 26. The original "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio clip is included as two WAV files, one called original.wav and the other called HEY.wav. 
The directory of images is expanded to include balloonboy.jpg,<ref>Image not archived.</ref> gratin.jpg,<ref>An image of feces in a dish.</ref> [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin4.jpg]], kiss.jpg,<ref>A gore image similar to zoidberg.jpg.</ref> lunch.jpg,<ref>An image of a man covered in feces engaging in coprophagia, from [[The Mac User|]].</ref> and smile.jpg.<ref>Image not archived.</ref> The index.php file references several more images sourced from [[Wikipedia:Wikimedia_Commons|Wikimedia Commons]]: Anal3.jpg,<ref>An image of an anus with something lodged inside of it.</ref> Scat-01.jpg,<ref>The same image as gratin.jpg.</ref> Breast_reconstruction_02.jpg,<ref>An image of breast reconstruction surgery.</ref> JJ_AND_TJ.jpg,<ref> An image of a pierced penis about to penetrate a pierced vulva.</ref> Child_with_Smallpox_Bangladesh.jpg,<ref>An image of a young girl with smallpox.</ref> Masturbation-Toys_Fleshlight_%28Masturbations-Spielzeug-Hilfsmittel_Fleshlight%29.gif,<ref> A GIF depicting a worm's eye view of a man penetrating a fleshlight.</ref> Sodomie.jpg,<ref> An image of a man with a zucchini inserted in the anus.</ref> Agent-orange-dead-deformed-babies.jpg,<ref>An image of stillborn babies with deformities resulting from prenatal exposure to Agent Orange.</ref> and SOA-Condylomata-acuminata-female.jpg.<ref>An image of a vulva afflicted by ''condylomata acuminata'', commonly known as genital warts.</ref>
Mirrors of Last Measure Live that received complaints replaced the page content with the following text in first-level header tags: "Sorry, the [website URL] website has been removed due to a complaint. Instead, you can learn more about tobacco-induced cancer on Google Images by clicking here. Please quit smoking." The last two sentences are hyperlinked to a [[wikipedia:Google_Images|Google Images]] search for "tobacco cancer".[[File:Beatlesnimp.png|thumb|Mirrors of Last Measure Live that received complaints replaced the page content with an encouragement to learn more about tobacco-induced cancer.]]
==Seizure Measure==
Seizure Measure, also known as Browser Bomb, used the same window-spawning and window-moving protocol as the original Last Measure, but embedded a [[Adobe Flash Player|Flash]] file called rgb.swf which contained music and bright flashing colors. The title of the page was “you have violated internet law. the authorities are being contacted.” and pressing Alt+F4, Ctrl, or Del spawned an alert with the message “You have violated Internet Law. The authorities are being contacted.”.
Similar to Last Measure, Seizure Measure checked if the browser was [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer|Microsoft Internet Explorer]] and if the version was 4 or higher, and if both conditions were met, it saved the page URL as a bookmark titled "Idiot!". It also attempted to set the page URL as the browser's homepage.
==Last Measure Operating System==
Last Measure Operating System (LMOS) is a minimalist [[wikipedia:Operating_system|operating system]] developed by [[wikipedia:Sam_Hocevar|Sam Hocevar]], a member of the GNAA division [[wikipedia:Goatse_Security|Goatse Security]]. It is written in [[wikipedia:X86_assembly_language|x86 assembly]] and will boot on any x86 computer. Due to its small size, it can easily fit on a CD, floppy disk, or USB drive.
The default LMOS theme contains the following shock images: [[Goatse]], [[Tubgirl]], loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5" /> [[Harlequin Fetus]], pooped.jpg,<ref name=":1" /> [[Pillowfight]], and [[Lemonparty|Lemon Party]], and the "HEY EVERYBODY, I’M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio sample. 
*Last Measure shares the procreate and playBall functions with Trojan.JS.Offiz, better known as Trojan.JS.YouAreAnIdiot.<ref></ref>
* Various pages on Encyclopedia Dramatica, such as the "[[Offended]]" and the "[[The Pain Series|Pain Series]]" pages, contain links to Last Measure mirrors.
*The rgb.swf file embedded in Seizure Measure is the same as the rgb.swf file featured on [[Albino Blacksheep]], which displayed bright flashing [[wikipedia:RGB_color_model|RGB]] colors accompanied by a [[wikipedia:Chiptune|chiptune]] version of "[[wikipedia:Axel_F|Axel F]]" from ''[[wikipedia:Beverly_Hills_Cop_(film_series)|Beverly Hills Cop]].''<ref>"<nowiki></nowiki> - This is a harmless version of Browser Bomb. This version does not abuse javascript. '''WARNING: Do not follow this link if you are prone to epileptic seizures."''' ([ BJAODN])</ref> The animation was also known as E-SHROOMS on
* The page at contained a link to a version of LastMeasure without shock images called SafeMeasure.<ref><nowiki></nowiki></ref>
* Several Last Measure mirrors made use of [[wikipedia:Wildcard_DNS_record|wildcard domains]].
** The full list of wildcard domains was: *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, and *
* Many Last Measure mirrors made use of [[wikipedia:Bait-and-switch|bait-and-switch]] tactics to deceive victims into visiting them.
** The mirror was created to deceive those looking for the DDRParadise forums into visiting Last Measure. The forums were actually located at
** Many wildcard mirrors, such as *, utilized the upper case "i" (* as it can easily be mistaken for a lower case "l". In the case of *, the use of the upper case "i" may have deceived the victim into thinking they were accessing a [[wikipedia:Blog|blogging]] platform.
* Many mirrors act as [[wikipedia:URL_redirection#Redirect_chains|redirect chains]] to other Last Measure mirrors.
* An early version of Last Measure called Last Measure Version 3.4 contained [[wikipedia:ASCII_art|ASCII art]] of Goatse and the clipboard-retrieving payload.
** An early archive of that ran Version 3.4 contained ASCII art of a teddy bear instead of Goatse,<ref></ref> and was supposedly a version of Last Measure without shock images.<ref></ref>
* The mirror ran a version of Last Measure called Last Measure Version 3.4.4 Saturn. While its index.php was not archived, the stats.php page can be accessed, revealing that It used StatsMeasure to generate a table of various user data.
* An early version of Unified X called Unified differed in several ways:
** It did not have the list of keywords on its main page or in its metadata.
** It did not include any [[Harlequin Fetus]] images or images from the [[The Pain Series|Pain Series]].
** The file that it attempted to download from [[wikipedia:EDonkey_network|eDonkey]] was "[[wikipedia:Star_Wars:_Episode_III_–_Revenge_of_the_Sith|Star.Wars.Episode.III.Revenge.of.the.Sith]].2005.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-GNAA.avi".
** It contained a function called extruin, which entered a [[wikipedia:For_loop|for loop]] that iterated five times. In each iteration of the loop, it called the functions add(mail) and add(news). After all five loops completed, it called on the ruin function.
*The GNAA released an updated version of Unified X called Unified X-2 which was more effective at bypassing pop-up blockers and other browser security protocols. It was made available via private distribution in the GNAA IRC channel.<ref name=":6" />
*According to [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]], the GNAA was developing a version of Last Measure called RubyMeasure, which was to be written in the [[wikipedia:Ruby (programming language)|Ruby]] programming language. It was expected to launch in May 2013, but was ultimately cancelled.<ref></ref>
<gallery widths="200" position="center" captionsize="small" captionalign="center" spacing="small">
File:RustleLeague.png|Spreading Last Measure via [[wikipedia:Cross-site_scripting|XSS attacks]].
File:RedHatBugzilla.png|Disguising Last Measure as an [[wikipedia:RPM_Package_Manager|RPM]] patch.
File:HL2zoy.png|Disguising Last Measure as a fix to troubleshooting [[wikipedia:Half-Life_2|''Half-Life 2'']].
File:4chaneu.png|WikiFur discussion on redirecting to Last Measure.
<references />
<u>NOTE</u>: The following websites contain <font color="red">graphic images</font> and may also <font color="red">harm your computer</font>!
*'''Distribution site:''' <s></s>
*'''Original mirror:'''
*'''GNAUK version, which uses the spawncreate function to open windows:'''
*'''Version 3.4:'''
*'''Version 3.4.1:'''
*'''Version 3.4.4 Saturn StatsMeasure page:'''
*'''Version 4.1''':
**'''StatsMeasure page (2008):'''
**'''StatsMeasure page (2009):'''
*'''Unified X:'''
* '''Last Measure Live:''' <s></s>
* '''Last Measure Live mirror, which now redirects to the film ''[[wikipedia:Gayniggers_from_Outer_Space|Gayniggers from Outer Space]]'':'''
*'''Seizure Measure:'''
* *
* <nowiki>*</nowiki>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
** <s></s>
** <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
* <s></s>
===Last Measure Operating System===
<u>NOTE</u>: The following download contains <font color="red">graphic images</font>!
===Source code===
<u>NOTE</u>: The following downloads contain <font color="red">graphic images</font>!
*'''Version 3.4.1:'''
*'''Version 4.1:'''
*'''Last Measure Live:'''
===Background audio===
<u>NOTE</u>: The following downloads contain <font color="red">loud audio</font>!
===YouTube video===
<u>NOTE</u>: The [[Goatse]] image is visible in this video, so <font color="red">watch it at your own risk</font>.
===Showcase video===
<u>NOTE</u>: The following video contains <font color="red">graphic images</font>!
===Further Reading===
<u>NOTE</u>: The following links contain <font color="red">graphic content</font>! 
*'''Last Measure on Encyclopedia Dramatica:'''
*'''Shock site on the BJAODN:''' (This article contains content derived from this page on BJAODN, which is licensed under [ CC-BY-SA].)
==See also== 
*[[:Category:Last Measure|Other shock sites very similar in spirit and in code to Last Measure]]

Revision as of 17:44, 8 April 2024

This page is about a screamer or shock site, whose original copy has been deleted.
This screamer's original copy is deleted, but the article links to an archive on the Wayback Machine or another saved copy.

Ghost.exe, also known as pikachu.exe, pica.exe, or Scary Pikachu, was a screamer program made by Junya Uchino around 2000. It was hosted on many sites, and was later hosted on, a site that hosted many screamer applications including Monster.exe, around 2002.


Upon opening the application, the user is greeted with a title screen with the text "Pokemon Island Adventure" and a rapid cycle of Pokémon images. Text in the lower left of the screen read "Please turn on your speaker for dynamic sound effect within the game".

When the user clicked on the title screen, a voice clip of Pikachu saying "Pikachu!" played, and the screen started to flash white. The screen faded to black, and then a full-screen, GIF of a blue-tinted ghost making a pawing motion, known as Hong Kong Grandmother Ghost (홍콩할매귀신)[1] appeared, accompanied by ghostly speech.


NOTE: the following program contains a screamer with flashing lights!

  • (Macromedia Flash 4.0 projector comes bundled with the screamer itself)
  • Showcase:



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  1. An urban legend in Korea. She was said to be an old Korean lady who loved her cat. She took a flight to Hong Kong with her cat, but the plane crashed and both died. Her love for the cat was so strong that their ghosts merged, and so her face is half-cat and half-human. She was said to attack children who were out after sunset.