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(Created page with "'''A Girl crying so HARD!! '''is a screamer on YouTube, uploaded by Ikuma Tanaka on April 3rd, 2014. The video starts out with a girl crying with runny mascara, but at the en...")
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'''A Girl crying so HARD!! '''is a screamer on YouTube, uploaded by Ikuma Tanaka on April 3rd, 2014. The video starts out with a girl crying with runny mascara, but at the end she turns into a zombie with a loud screech.
|title = A Girl crying so HARD!!
|image = A_Girl_crying_so_HARD!!.png
|imagecaption = She's not even at her worst yet.
|maker = Kuma Tanaka
|type = [[YouTube]] [[video]]
|date = April 3, 2014
'''A Girl crying so HARD!!''' is a [[screamer]] [[video]] uploaded by Kuma Tanaka on April 3, 2014.

The video shows a girl crying with runny mascara all over her cheeks. At the 14-second point at the end of the video, she turns into a zombie, accompanied by a loud screech. The video is edited to make her turn into her zombie form. The video has gained roughly 7.5k views ever since its upload and is the only screamer the creator has hosted on their channel. This video also has slight similarities to [[Swearing Baby]].

NOTE: The following video contains a screamer.
<u>NOTE</u>: The following video contains a [[screamer]]!
* youtube.com/watch?v=B6mqlIeh18M
* '''Permalink:''' bit.ly/2SkI4zy

[[Category:Other makers]]
[[Category:Other scary images]]

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