K-fee commercials: Difference between revisions

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Corrected the German name of the 'Meadow' spot ('Wiese' instead of 'Weise' - if it was called 'Weise' on the official website it was a typo on their part.) Also added umlauts etc. to the German radio scripts.
(Added original German script for K-fee radio ads.)
(Corrected the German name of the 'Meadow' spot ('Wiese' instead of 'Weise' - if it was called 'Weise' on the official website it was a typo on their part.) Also added umlauts etc. to the German radio scripts.)
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* '''Fishing ''(Angler in German)''''': This shows a man fishing, and not long afterwards the zombie appears, surprisingly not looking directly into the camera as he screams.
* '''Fishing ''(Angler in German)''''': This shows a man fishing, and not long afterwards the zombie appears, surprisingly not looking directly into the camera as he screams.
* '''Yoga''': This shows a person practicing yoga on a cliff, and as soon as the person lifts his hand, the zombie seemingly appears out of nowhere, screaming. His face is obscured by the dark. This is probably the scariest of all ads.
* '''Yoga''': This shows a person practicing yoga on a cliff, and as soon as the person lifts his hand, the zombie seemingly appears out of nowhere, screaming. His face is obscured by the dark. This is probably the scariest of all ads.
* '''Meadow ''(Weise in German)''''': A view over a field is shown from Bicycles and Large Tree, and the camera stops moving at a certain point. Not long after, the zombie shows up from the left side of the screen and screams.
* '''Meadow ''(Wiese in German)''''': A view over a field is shown from Bicycles and Large Tree, and the camera stops moving at a certain point. Not long after, the zombie shows up from the left side of the screen and screams.
* '''Surfing''': This is a far away view of a man going to the ocean to go surfing. Then the zombie appears from the right side of the screen and screams. This also seems to use the same footage of the zombie that's used in K-fee Car ad.
* '''Surfing''': This is a far away view of a man going to the ocean to go surfing. Then the zombie appears from the right side of the screen and screams. This also seems to use the same footage of the zombie that's used in K-fee Car ad.

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=== '''Investment''' ===
=== '''Investment''' ===
* '''''English version '''(0:29)'': The ad starts with a man saying the following: "Would you like to know how to make more of your money? Then, listen carefully. We've got an investment tip for you which promises top returns. This investment will guarantee you a worry-free life and allow you to fulfill cherished dreams. All with a monthly payment starting from just 20 euros. All you have to do is—" Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''English version '''(0:29)'': The ad starts with a man saying the following: "Would you like to know how to make more of your money? Then, listen carefully. We've got an investment tip for you which promises top returns. This investment will guarantee you a worry-free life and allow you to fulfill cherished dreams. All with a monthly payment starting from just 20 euros. All you have to do is..." Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''German version''' (0:26)'': "Möchten Sie wissen, wie Sie mehr aus Ihrem Geld machen? Dann hoeren Sie jetzt gut zu. Wir haben für Sie einen Anlagetipp mit einer Top-Rendite. Diese Anlage garantiert Ihnen ein sorgenfreies Leben. Und erlaubt es Ihnen, lang gehegte Wünsche zu erfuellen. Und das bereits ab einer monatlichen Einzahlung von nur 20 Euro. Sie muessen einfach nur…"
* '''''German version''' (0:26)'': "Möchten Sie wissen, wie Sie mehr aus Ihrem Geld machen? Dann hören Sie jetzt gut zu. Wir haben für Sie einen Anlagetipp mit einer Top-Rendite. Diese Anlage garantiert Ihnen ein sorgenfreies Leben. Und erlaubt es Ihnen, lang gehegte Wünsche zu erfüllen. Und das bereits ab einer monatlichen Einzahlung von nur 20 Euro. Sie müssen einfach nur…"

=== '''Love''' ===
=== '''Love''' ===
* '''''English version '''(0:33)'': The ad starts with lullaby music and young girl's voice saying the following: "Mummy mummy, how much do you love me?" Then, a woman's voice says: "I love you from here to the moon." "How far is that?" "Hm. It's so far." "Is that so much?" "Yes, my love. I love you so much. Now close your eyes sweetie, and listen while I read you a story. Once upon a time, there was a little dormouse called Piff. One day, it went" Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''English version '''(0:33)'': The ad starts with lullaby music and young girl's voice saying the following: "Mummy mummy, how much do you love me?" Then, a woman's voice says: "I love you from here to the moon." "How far is that?" "Hm. It's so far." "Is that so much?" "Yes, my love. I love you so much. Now close your eyes sweetie, and listen while I read you a story. Once upon a time, there was a little dormouse called Piff. One day, it went..." Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''German version''' (0:37)'': Kind: "Mama, Mama, wie lieb hast du mich?"  Mama: "Ich hab dich von hier bis zum Mond lieb!"  Kind: "Wie weit ist denn das?"  Mama: "Das ist sooooo weit."  Kind: "Ist das soooo doll?"  Mama: "Ja, mein Sueßes. Soooo doll lieb hab ich dich. Und jetzt macht mein kleines Kruemelchen mal die Augen zu und hoert schoen hin, denn jetzt les ich dir noch eine kleine Geschichte vor… Es war einmal eine kleine Haselmaus namens Piff. Eines Morgens…"
* '''''German version''' (0:37)'': Kind: "Mama, Mama, wie lieb hast du mich?"  Mama: "Ich hab dich von hier bis zum Mond lieb!"  Kind: "Wie weit ist denn das?"  Mama: "Das ist sooooo weit."  Kind: "Ist das soooo doll?"  Mama: "Ja, mein Süßes. Soooo doll lieb hab ich dich. Und jetzt macht mein kleines Krümelchen mal die Augen zu und hört schön hin, denn jetzt les ich dir noch eine kleine Geschichte vor… Es war einmal eine kleine Haselmaus namens Piff. Eines Morgens…"

=== '''Relaxation''' ===
=== '''Relaxation''' ===
* '''''English version''' (0:49)'': The ad starts with the same music used in the K-fee Buddha ad. Then, a soft-spoken woman's voice saying the following: "And now, an exercise to help you relax. Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose. Keep your mouth shut. Feel that deep breath go down to your tummy. In, and out. And in, and out. And in, and out. And in, and" Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''English version''' (0:49)'': The ad starts with the same music used in the K-fee Buddha ad. Then, a soft-spoken woman's voice saying the following: "And now, an exercise to help you relax. Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose. Keep your mouth shut. Feel that deep breath go down to your tummy. In, and out. And in, and out. And in, and out. And in, and..." Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."

* '''''German version '''(0:38)'': "Zu Ihrer Entspannung nun eine Uebung. Machen Sie es sich bequem. Schliessen Sie die Augen, atmen Sie durch die Nase tief ein. Der Mund bleibt dabei geschlossen. Atmen Sie tief in den Unterbauch. Ein, und aus. Und ein, und aus. Und ein, und…"
* '''''German version '''(0:38)'': "Zu Ihrer Entspannung nun eine Übung. Machen Sie es sich bequem. Schließen Sie die Augen, atmen Sie durch die Nase tief ein. Der Mund bleibt dabei geschlossen. Atmen Sie tief in den Unterbauch. Ein, und aus. Und ein, und aus. Und ein, und…"

=== '''Christmas''' ===
=== '''Christmas''' ===
* '''''English version''''' ''(0:51)'': The ad starts with the sound of a clock ticking. Then, a Santa Claus voice says the following: "Ah, Christmas time again at last. And we all have such wonderful childhood memories. Pretty little crooked houses, with chimneys puffing out trails of smoke. Ha, yes. And the icicles glistening in the moonlight all around. The snow crunches softly under our feet, and when we come into the cozy warmth of our houses, the smell of delicious baked apples and freshly baked mince pies, and oh how excited we are when we finally, finally hear the sound signalling the arrival of Christmas day" Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* '''''English version''''' ''(0:51)'': The ad starts with the sound of a clock ticking. Then, a Santa Claus voice says the following: "Ah, Christmas time again at last. And we all have such wonderful childhood memories. Pretty little crooked houses, with chimneys puffing out trails of smoke. Ha, yes. And the icicles glistening in the moonlight all around. The snow crunches softly under our feet, and when we come into the cozy warmth of our houses, the smell of delicious baked apples and freshly baked mince pies, and oh how excited we are when we finally, finally hear the sound signalling the arrival of Christmas day" Then, the sentence gets interrupted by the same loud scream used in the other K-fee commercials. Then, a voice reads "Ever been so wide awake? K-fee. Canned caffeine with coffee."
* <span>'''''German version''' (1:02)'': "Aaaaach, endlich ist wieder Weihnachtszeit und wir haben wieder all die schoenen Erinnerungen an unsere Kindheit im Kopf. Die huebschen windschiefen Haeuselein, aus deren Schornsteinen sich kleine Rauchfähnchen kraeuseln. Ach, und die Eiszapfen allueberall, die im Mondenschein glitzern. Leise knirscht der Schnee unter unseren Sohlen und wenn wir die behagliche Wärme unserer Haeuslein betreten, dann duftet es schon nach Brataepfelchen und frischgebackenen Rosinenmaennlein. Hei wie aufgeregt wir werden, wenn wir dann endlich, endlich am heiligen Abend das Signal zur Bescherung hoeren."</span>
* <span>'''''German version''' (1:02)'': "Aaaaach, endlich ist wieder Weihnachtszeit und wir haben wieder all die schönen Erinnerungen an unsere Kindheit im Kopf. Die hübschen windschiefen Häuselein, aus deren Schornsteinen sich kleine Rauchfähnchen kräuseln. Ach, und die Eiszapfen allüberall, die im Mondenschein glitzern. Leise knirscht der Schnee unter unseren Sohlen, und wenn wir die behagliche Wärme unserer Häuslein betreten, dann duftet es schon nach Bratäpfelchen und frischgebackenen Rosinenmännlein. Hei, wie aufgeregt wir werden, wenn wir dann endlich, endlich am heiligen Abend das Signal zur Bescherung hören."</span>

== '''K-fee light-version advertisements''' ==
== '''K-fee light-version advertisements''' ==
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