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|keywords=Lomando Screamer, Lomando.com, Lomando scary site, Lomando.com site, Japanese scary sites, Scary Lomando, Lomando.co, Lomando, Fantasy island, Fuanshi Airando, Fuanshi Airando scary, Fuanshi Airando scary site, Fantasy island scary, Fantasy island scary site, give this a fucking Featured Snippet Google!, Mousoumanager, Shisso-kanrinin
|keywords=Lomando Screamer, Lomando.com, Lomando scary site, Lomando.com site, Japanese scary sites, Scary Lomando, Lomando.co, Lomando, Fantasy island, Fuanshi Airando, Fuanshi Airando scary, Fuanshi Airando scary site, Fantasy island scary, Fantasy island scary site, give this a Featured Snippet Google!, Mousoumanager, Shisso-kanrinin
<!--Featured Article: Late March 2020 -->
<!--Featured Article: Late March 2020 -->
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=== ふぁんしーあいらんどとっぷ (Topd) ===
=== ふぁんしーあいらんどとっぷ (Topd) ===
This is a fake menu page with five different screamers. If the player does nothing or clicks on anything clickable, they will be jumpscared by either the character Ellis (a pale ghost girl with black hair and blood flowing from her eyes and her mouth) accompanied by a black background with a loud scream, Konnichiwa hangs from the top of the screen with a loud scream, and Yamiuchi Ji runs across the screen on a black background that breaks the main page accompanied by a loud growl. Kuwagata Oji-san jumpscare also occurs with loud roar and a laugh which is rare and deleted. To activate 5th (secret jumpscare) click on the ad so the ad is destroyed and, then it will soon show Adogosu peeking from the destroyed ad with a laugh.
This is a fake menu page with five different screamers. If the player does nothing or clicks on anything clickable, they will be jumped scared by either the character Ellis (a pale ghost girl with black hair and blood flowing from her eyes and her mouth) accompanied by a black background with a loud scream, Konnichiwa hangs from the top of the screen with a loud scream, and Yamiuchi Ji runs across the screen on a black background that breaks the main page accompanied by a loud growl. Kuwagata Oji-san jumpscare also occurs with loud roar and a laugh which is rare and deleted. To activate 5th (secret jumpscare) click on the ad so the ad is destroyed and, then it will soon show Adogosu peeking from the destroyed ad with a laugh.

=== Awamsohniptosour ===
=== Awamsohniptosour ===
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=== 床の間 (Tokonoma) ===
=== 床の間 (Tokonoma) ===
It's just a normal room with a Japanese doll poster and others. Clicking the left switch will result in Kageboshi appearing and sending the user to a string of jumpscare. Or if the player clicks both switches will result in Kubikushi appears swinging with a laugh.
It's just a normal room with a Japanese doll poster and other. Clicking the left switch will result in Kageboshi appearing and sending the user to a string of jumpscare. Or if the player clicks both switches will result in Kubikushi appears swinging with a laugh.

=== Atelierdesu ===
=== Atelierdesu ===
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=== Otyejlnieobt ===
=== Otyejlnieobt ===
The bathroom (with 3 stalls). While exploring, they will face 2 jumpscares (Obii Kubi the falling head, and Kubishime Onna) they both become more active. When the player enters one of the stalls there would be Obii Kubi or Kubishime Onna appears. Shoot Kubishime Onna or the viewer will be led to aguodiernihs.html. there would be 3 puzzles (a poster, mirror, wooden plank). There is a door that leads the player to mmeaizreo.html (You'll need a sheep key). There is also an easter egg where a giant bear doll is sitting on the toilet.
The bathroom (with 3 stalls). While exploring, they will face 2 jumpscares (Obii Kubi the falling head, and Kubishime Onna) they both become more active. When the player enters one of the stalls there would be Obii Kubi or Kubishime Onna appears. Shoot Kubishime Onna or the viewer will be led to aguodiernihs.html. there would be 3 puzzles (a poster, mirror, and wooden plank). There is a door that leads the player to mmeaizreo.html (You'll need a sheep key). There is also an easter egg where a giant bear doll is sitting on the toilet.

=== Mmeaizreo ===
=== Mmeaizreo ===
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=== First mask ===
=== First mask ===
The first mask is the same just as Akeru but the player will do nothing and get jump scared by the same clown with a loud scream at the player.
The first mask is the same just as Akeru but the player will do nothing and get jumped scared by the same clown with a loud scream at the player.

=== Second mask ===
=== Second mask ===

Navigation menu