Scary child drawing illusion

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Scary child drawing illusion is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by Gutxih on February 19th, 2008.

The video opens with a message on a yellow background, inviting the viewer to look at the "creepiest thing in the world" and instructing them to focus on a black dot for 30 seconds. It also warns that they "may be shocked". Shortly after, the screen transitions to a geometric, kaleidoscope-like pattern, which remains on the screen for 28 seconds. Afterwards, the image is suddenly interrupted by a black-and-white image of a man with his mouth wide open in a fierce manner, accompanied by a scream, likely created by the uploader. The video then returns to the yellow background with rolling credits, labeling the experience as "a really creepy mirage". Just before it ends, a black-and-white image of The Joker appears, again accompanied by a scream and presumably also made by the creator.

Showcase video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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