Mensagem subliminar

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mensagem subliminar (subliminal message) is a Brazilian screamer video published to YouTube by damdamzin on September 18, 2009.

The video starts with a blue screen written "damdam producoes apresenta: mensagens subliminares", followed by a definition of subliminal messages: "As mensagens sublinares sao coisas ocultas que temos que ver varias vezes". Then the video says "Vamos ver uma agora... prestem a atencao...", and shows a image of the Simpsons family sitting on the couch in their home, but there is a swastika drawn on the arm of the couch. The video says "vcs naum viram nada vou circular o local e vcs vao ver...", then now the image is shown again and with the swastika circled in red and a red arrow pointing to it. The video now says "vamos ver o ultimo exemplo!!!!!!". The low quality edited image of a woman with her face cracking appears, accompanied by a female scream. Lastly, the video mocks the viewer: "Vcs cairam nessa seus otarios kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...". Furthermore, it says "qualquer coisa olhem outros videos", "coloca no tube mensagem subliminar da vivo" referring to another subliminal message video made by him, about the Vivo brand, but this is not a screamer.

Showcase video



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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